Re: constant "failed to submit message" to rpc-transport

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(there's probably going to be a TON of wrapped lines, so you can see the unwrapped version at

OK, after taking a much more serious look at this, I've got:
* a full packet capture of a situation that causes this problem (358MB compressed)
* logs from gluster, truncated before starting, at TRACE level (88MB compressed)
* a corefile from the gluster/nfs process generated near the end of the test (10GB, compressible to 133MB or so)

My configuration:
Volume Name: gv0
Type: Distributed-Replicate
Volume ID: 52b830b4-f6b0-4103-b90b-ce665dfbafec
Status: Stopped
Number of Bricks: 8 x 2 = 16
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: fearless1:/export/bricks/500117310007a6d8/glusterdata
Brick2: fearless2:/export/bricks/500117310007a674/glusterdata
Brick3: fearless1:/export/bricks/500117310007a714/glusterdata
Brick4: fearless2:/export/bricks/500117310007a684/glusterdata
Brick5: fearless1:/export/bricks/500117310007a7dc/glusterdata
Brick6: fearless2:/export/bricks/500117310007a694/glusterdata
Brick7: fearless1:/export/bricks/500117310007a7e4/glusterdata
Brick8: fearless2:/export/bricks/500117310007a720/glusterdata
Brick9: fearless1:/export/bricks/500117310007a7ec/glusterdata
Brick10: fearless2:/export/bricks/500117310007a74c/glusterdata
Brick11: fearless1:/export/bricks/500117310007a838/glusterdata
Brick12: fearless2:/export/bricks/500117310007a814/glusterdata
Brick13: fearless1:/export/bricks/500117310007a850/glusterdata
Brick14: fearless2:/export/bricks/500117310007a84c/glusterdata
Brick15: fearless1:/export/bricks/500117310007a858/glusterdata
Brick16: fearless2:/export/bricks/500117310007a8f8/glusterdata
Options Reconfigured:
diagnostics.count-fop-hits: on
diagnostics.latency-measurement: on on
performance.client-io-threads: on on
performance.write-behind-window-size: 4MB
performance.nfs.write-behind: on
nfs.ports-insecure: on
diagnostics.client-log-level: INFO

Notable "problems":
RPC context pointer, requested by JoeJulian:
(gdb) print *this
$22 = {ops = 0x7f05d50d2580, listener = 0x0, private = 0x27b6d90, xl_private = 0x0, xl = 0x261ffb0, mydata = 0x27a70d0, lock = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __nusers = 0, 
      __kind = 0, __spins = 0, __list = {__prev = 0x0, __next = 0x0}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 39 times>, __align = 0}, refcount = 2, ctx = 0x25dd010, options = 0x7f05d70ba3c8, 
  name = 0x26215e0 "gv0-client-9", dnscache = 0x28fda50, buf = 0x0, init = 0x7f05d4ec5650 <init>, fini = 0x7f05d4ec6780 <fini>, reconfigure = 0x7f05d4ec56d0 <reconfigure>, 
  notify = 0x7f05d83f2bd0 <rpc_clnt_notify>, notify_data = 0x0, peerinfo = {sockaddr = {ss_family = 2, __ss_align = 0, __ss_padding = '\000' <repeats 111 times>}, sockaddr_len = 16, 
    identifier = "", '\000' <repeats 89 times>}, myinfo = {sockaddr = {ss_family = 2, __ss_align = 0, __ss_padding = '\000' <repeats 111 times>}, sockaddr_len = 16, 
    identifier = "", '\000' <repeats 91 times>}, total_bytes_read = 134672272, total_bytes_write = 3678711, list = {next = 0x0, prev = 0x0}, bind_insecure = 0}

40 million oustanding frames at this point:
(gdb) print ((call_pool_t)this->ctx->pool)
$23 = {{all_frames = {next = 0x25f96c0, prev = 0x25f9620}, all_stacks = {next_call = 0x25f96c0, prev_call = 0x25f9620}}, cnt = 39705952, lock = 0, frame_mem_pool = 0x0, stack_mem_pool = 0x0}

gluster/nfs gets into a state (very quickly) where it's spending all of it's time spinning somewhere:

  PID USER      PRI  NI  VIRT   RES   SHR S CPU% MEM%   TIME+  Command                                                                                                                                  
26240 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 1687  1.6 21:53.95 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26656 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:06.76 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26649 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:07.32 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26684 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:08.14 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26682 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:10.35 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26678 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:07.98 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26675 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:07.45 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26679 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:10.32 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26676 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:10.89 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26681 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:06.87 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26677 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:06.87 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26672 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:11.07 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26674 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:07.54 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26680 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:10.12 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26280 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:10.37 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26683 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 99.0  1.6  1:08.90 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
26652 root       20   0 4287M 2062M  2736 R 98.0  1.6  1:09.92 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/nfs 
 6580 michael    20   0  111M  3112  1232 R  3.0  0.0  6:56.91 htop
 1611 root       20   0     0     0     0 S  0.0  0.0  0:25.56 fio-wq/0 
 1647 root       20   0     0     0     0 S  0.0  0.0  0:21.33 fioa-scan
26228 root       20   0 1386M 57112  2172 S  0.0  0.0  0:09.38 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfsd -s localhost --volfile-id gv0.fearles
26267 root       20   0 1386M 57112  2172 S  0.0  0.0  0:01.46 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfsd -s localhost --volfile-id gv0.fearles
26646 root       20   0 1386M 57112  2172 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.59 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfsd -s localhost --volfile-id gv0.fearles
26671 root       20   0 1386M 57112  2172 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.57 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfsd -s localhost --volfile-id gv0.fearles
26685 root       20   0 1386M 57112  2172 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.46 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfsd -s localhost --volfile-id gv0.fearles
26686 root       20   0 1386M 57112  2172 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.25 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfsd -s localhost --volfile-id gv0.fearles

yet the disks are idle:
avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
          18.41    0.00    0.26    0.00    0.00   81.33

Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s     r/s     w/s    rkB/s    wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util
sdf               0.00     0.00    0.00    0.67     0.00     6.17    18.50     0.00    2.00   2.00   0.13
sdh               0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00
sda               0.00     0.00    0.00    0.33     0.00     1.33     8.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00
sdb               0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00
sdc               0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00
sdg               0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00
sde               0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00
sdd               0.00     0.00    0.00    0.67     0.00     6.17    18.50     0.00    2.00   2.00   0.13
sdi               0.00     0.00    0.00    0.33     0.00     1.33     8.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00
dm-0              0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00
dm-1              0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00
fioa              0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00
dm-2              0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00

and volume profile says that operations aren't being responded to:
NFS Server : localhost
Cumulative Stats:
   Block Size:                  2b+                   8b+                  16b+ 
 No. of Reads:                    0                     0                     0 
No. of Writes:                    2                     6                    18 
   Block Size:                 32b+                  64b+                 128b+ 
 No. of Reads:                    0                     0                     0 
No. of Writes:                   85                    30                    19 
   Block Size:                256b+                 512b+                1024b+ 
 No. of Reads:                    0                    23                    18 
No. of Writes:                   81                    28                    54 
   Block Size:               2048b+                4096b+                8192b+ 
 No. of Reads:                    6                    28                385676 
No. of Writes:                   21                    16                     7 
   Block Size:              16384b+               32768b+               65536b+ 
 No. of Reads:                  289                   135                 31300 
No. of Writes:                  235                     0                     0 
 %-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency   Max-Latency   No. of calls         Fop
 ---------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------        ----
      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us              1      FORGET
      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us             81     RELEASE
      0.00     671.00 us     671.00 us     671.00 us              1      UNLINK
      0.00     151.88 us     139.00 us     166.00 us              8        OPEN
      0.00    1622.00 us    1622.00 us    1622.00 us              1      RENAME
      0.00     411.88 us     345.00 us     502.00 us              8       FSTAT
      0.00    1515.50 us     549.00 us    3835.00 us              8    READDIRP
      0.00     488.23 us     155.00 us    4467.00 us             30          LK
      0.00     832.00 us     211.00 us    3206.00 us            119     SETATTR
      0.00     167.32 us     115.00 us    5326.00 us            677      STATFS
      0.00   11469.73 us     464.00 us  672289.00 us             74      CREATE
      0.00    3335.09 us      60.00 us 3806186.00 us           1200      ACCESS
      0.00  130144.47 us     235.00 us 26674232.00 us            256      LOOKUP
      0.00  223278.53 us       5.00 us 5554879.00 us            602       WRITE
      0.00  582000.45 us      51.00 us 75297085.00 us            278       FLUSH
      0.01  129560.57 us      65.00 us 70316547.00 us           3446        STAT
     99.98 8454338.20 us      99.00 us 115469515.00 us         417475        READ
    Duration: 6021 seconds
   Data Read: 5221816212 bytes
Data Written: 4168883 bytes

glusterfs really is taking a long time to respond:
rpc.xid == 0x8879128a
[2013-05-08 21:16:00.564817] T [rpcsvc.c:382:rpcsvc_request_create] 0-rpc-service: received rpc-message (XID: 0x8879128a, Ver: 2, Program: 100003, ProgVers: 3, Proc: 6) from rpc-transport (socket.nfs-server)
[2013-05-08 21:16:00.564860] D [nfs3-helpers.c:1757:nfs3_log_rw_call] 0-nfs-nfsv3: XID: 8879128a, READ: args: FH: exportid 52b830b4-f6b0-4103-b90b-ce665dfbafec, gfid 77c67b0a-57a1-4b56-a6dd-15899529facd, offset: 7456178176,  count: 8192
[2013-05-08 21:16:03.161708] T [rpcsvc.c:382:rpcsvc_request_create] 0-rpc-service: received rpc-message (XID: 0x8879128a, Ver: 2, Program: 100003, ProgVers: 3, Proc: 6) from rpc-transport (socket.nfs-server)
[2013-05-08 21:16:03.161784] D [nfs3-helpers.c:1757:nfs3_log_rw_call] 0-nfs-nfsv3: XID: 8879128a, READ: args: FH: exportid 52b830b4-f6b0-4103-b90b-ce665dfbafec, gfid 77c67b0a-57a1-4b56-a6dd-15899529facd, offset: 7456178176,  count: 8192
[2013-05-08 21:16:13.940617] T [rpcsvc.c:382:rpcsvc_request_create] 0-rpc-service: received rpc-message (XID: 0x8879128a, Ver: 2, Program: 100003, ProgVers: 3, Proc: 6) from rpc-transport (socket.nfs-server)
[2013-05-08 21:16:13.940662] D [nfs3-helpers.c:1757:nfs3_log_rw_call] 0-nfs-nfsv3: XID: 8879128a, READ: args: FH: exportid 52b830b4-f6b0-4103-b90b-ce665dfbafec, gfid 77c67b0a-57a1-4b56-a6dd-15899529facd, offset: 7456178176,  count: 8192
[2013-05-08 21:16:41.028161] T [rpcsvc.c:382:rpcsvc_request_create] 0-rpc-service: received rpc-message (XID: 0x8879128a, Ver: 2, Program: 100003, ProgVers: 3, Proc: 6) from rpc-transport (socket.nfs-server)
[2013-05-08 21:16:41.028205] D [nfs3-helpers.c:1757:nfs3_log_rw_call] 0-nfs-nfsv3: XID: 8879128a, READ: args: FH: exportid 52b830b4-f6b0-4103-b90b-ce665dfbafec, gfid 77c67b0a-57a1-4b56-a6dd-15899529facd, offset: 7456178176,  count: 8192
[2013-05-08 21:17:03.172976] D [nfs3-helpers.c:3421:nfs3_log_read_res] 0-nfs-nfsv3: XID: 8879128a, READ: NFS: 0(Call completed successfully.), POSIX: 0(Success), count: 8192, is_eof: 0, vector: count: 1, len: 8192
[2013-05-08 21:17:03.173042] T [rpcsvc.c:1087:rpcsvc_submit_generic] 0-rpc-service: submitted reply for rpc-message (XID: 0x8879128a, Program: NFS3, ProgVers: 3, Proc: 6) to rpc-transport (socket.nfs-server)
[2013-05-08 21:17:40.996580] D [nfs3-helpers.c:3421:nfs3_log_read_res] 0-nfs-nfsv3: XID: 8879128a, READ: NFS: 0(Call completed successfully.), POSIX: 0(Success), count: 8192, is_eof: 0, vector: count: 1, len: 8192
[2013-05-08 21:17:40.996628] T [rpcsvc.c:1087:rpcsvc_submit_generic] 0-rpc-service: submitted reply for rpc-message (XID: 0x8879128a, Program: NFS3, ProgVers: 3, Proc: 6) to rpc-transport (socket.nfs-server)
[2013-05-08 21:17:44.372915] T [rpcsvc.c:382:rpcsvc_request_create] 0-rpc-service: received rpc-message (XID: 0x8879128a, Ver: 2, Program: 100003, ProgVers: 3, Proc: 6) from rpc-transport (socket.nfs-server)
[2013-05-08 21:17:44.372956] D [nfs3-helpers.c:1757:nfs3_log_rw_call] 0-nfs-nfsv3: XID: 8879128a, READ: args: FH: exportid 52b830b4-f6b0-4103-b90b-ce665dfbafec, gfid 77c67b0a-57a1-4b56-a6dd-15899529facd, offset: 7456178176,  count: 8192
[2013-05-08 21:18:12.439583] T [rpcsvc.c:382:rpcsvc_request_create] 0-rpc-service: received rpc-message (XID: 0x8879128a, Ver: 2, Program: 100003, ProgVers: 3, Proc: 6) from rpc-transport (socket.nfs-server)
[2013-05-08 21:18:12.439628] D [nfs3-helpers.c:1757:nfs3_log_rw_call] 0-nfs-nfsv3: XID: 8879128a, READ: args: FH: exportid 52b830b4-f6b0-4103-b90b-ce665dfbafec, gfid 77c67b0a-57a1-4b56-a6dd-15899529facd, offset: 7456178176,  count: 8192
[2013-05-08 21:19:29.949901] D [nfs3-helpers.c:3421:nfs3_log_read_res] 0-nfs-nfsv3: XID: 8879128a, READ: NFS: 0(Call completed successfully.), POSIX: 0(Success), count: 8192, is_eof: 0, vector: count: 1, len: 8192
[2013-05-08 21:19:29.949953] T [rpcsvc.c:1087:rpcsvc_submit_generic] 0-rpc-service: submitted reply for rpc-message (XID: 0x8879128a, Program: NFS3, ProgVers: 3, Proc: 6) to rpc-transport (socket.nfs-server)
[2013-05-08 21:23:02.353017] D [nfs3-helpers.c:3421:nfs3_log_read_res] 0-nfs-nfsv3: XID: 8879128a, READ: NFS: 0(Call completed successfully.), POSIX: 0(Success), count: 8192, is_eof: 0, vector: count: 1, len: 8192
[2013-05-08 21:23:02.353066] T [rpcsvc.c:1087:rpcsvc_submit_generic] 0-rpc-service: submitted reply for rpc-message (XID: 0x8879128a, Program: NFS3, ProgVers: 3, Proc: 6) to rpc-transport (socket.nfs-server)

Michael Brown, Systems Consultant
Net Direct Inc.
☎: +1 519 883 1172 x5106

After a bit of load, I constantly find my gluster server getting into a state where it seems to be unable to reply to NFS RPCs:

[2013-05-05 01:31:16.421507] E [rpcsvc.c:1080:rpcsvc_submit_generic] 0-rpc-service: failed to submit message (XID: 0x3705786983x, Program: NFS3, ProgVers: 3, Proc: 6) to rpc-transport (socket.nfs-server)
[2013-05-05 01:31:16.421528] E [nfs3.c:627:nfs3svc_submit_vector_reply] 0-nfs-nfsv3: Reply submission failed

Any idea what to do about it?

The NFS daemon also gets rather large - I suspect it's storing up data for all these RPCs:
  PID USER      PRI  NI  VIRT   RES   SHR S CPU% MEM%   TIME+  Command
30674 root       20   0 37.6G 37.3G  2288 R 99.0 29.6  5:29.88 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs

I'm running 3.3.1 with a few patches:

Workload is usually Oracle DNFS.

Michael Brown               | `One of the main causes of the fall of
Systems Consultant          | the Roman Empire was that, lacking zero,
Net Direct Inc.             | they had no way to indicate successful
☎: +1 519 883 1172 x5106    | termination of their C programs.' - Firth

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