After a bit of load, I constantly find my gluster server getting
into a state where it seems to be unable to reply to NFS RPCs: idea what to do about it? The NFS daemon also gets rather large - I suspect it's storing up data for all these RPCs: PID USER PRI NI VIRT RES SHR S CPU% MEM% TIME+ Command 30674 root 20 0 37.6G 37.3G 2288 R 99.0 29.6 5:29.88 /usr/local/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs I'm running 3.3.1 with a few patches: Workload is usually Oracle DNFS. M. -- Michael Brown | `One of the main causes of the fall of Systems Consultant | the Roman Empire was that, lacking zero, Net Direct Inc. | they had no way to indicate successful ☎: +1 519 883 1172 x5106 | termination of their C programs.' - Firth |