'cluster/distribute' is just a symlink to 'cluster/dht', which works on different design internally compared to 'cluster/unify' which needs a centralized 'namespace' volume to work. We have noticed that the 'scaling' is not possible with 'cluster/unify' and have decided to not continue any more development on cluster/unify design, instead any more enhancement of glusterfs will happen only on 'cluster/distribute' translator.
(1) what's the functionality of "cluster/unify" in current release? in my opinion, "cluster/unify" is a translator for scaling, and now it doesn't function like that. is it right?
(2) whether will "gluster/unify" still exist in the future release? and could i suppose that the centralized namespace needed by "cluster/unify" is something that functions like metadata in current release?
on page 5 of the technical presentation (http://ftp.zresearch.com/pub/gluster/glusterfs/talks/Z/GlusterFS.pdf) ,there is a "unify" block on client side. so im gussing that "unify" is a essential component of client, with its namespace volume, shared by all clients, instead of metadata which traditional cluster filesystems keep, like Lustre.
do you agree with me ?