Hello. I would like to ask one question about your road map. To be more precise about *1.5* *HA* "*brick hot-add/remove/swap* - /live storage hardware maintenance/"/ /item. As I asked you some time ago, our aim is to manage big size files that would be open once and remain in this state the rest of time. When we turned off one of our gluster file servers (A Server), the other included on the AFR (B Server) was able of continuing running the file. But, on following... If (A Server) would be turned on again and (B Server) would be turned off instead, the system crashed because the file lost the open file descriptor. "*brick hot-add/remove/swap* - /live storage hardware maintenance/". Has this item meant that the lost of the open file descriptor would be resolved in version 1.5 , or the meaning would be that other storage server or volume would be added without restart the client glusterfs process? Greetings. Víctor. P.D: At the end I managed to have gluster works with STRs over an AFR. Anyway, I think that Unify over AFR configuration is the one that better fits our needs. Nevertheless, I will make some other further tests in order to make a final decision. Thanks again for your help and your kindness.