Re: i can't run a xen - virtual machine on a glusterfs mount point

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actually, i don't have any other logs. it's a brand new set up and nodes haven't even reported anything yet. Xen-servers mounting gluster points only report what i gave you in the last message.

however..... i umounted and mounted again the whole system with DEBUG level of logs just to see if there's any extra information.

this is what i got:


2008-07-08 07:12:03 D [tcp-server.c:145:tcp_server_notify] ultim: Registering socket (6) for new transport object of 2008-07-08 07:12:03 D [ip.c:120:gf_auth] espai: allowed = "*", received ip addr = "" 2008-07-08 07:12:03 D [server-protocol.c:5667:mop_setvolume] ultim: accepted client from 2008-07-08 07:12:03 D [server-protocol.c:5710:mop_setvolume] ultim: creating inode table with lru_limit=1024, xlator=espai 2008-07-08 07:12:03 D [inode.c:1163:inode_table_new] espai: creating new inode table with lru_limit=1024, sizeof(inode_t)=156 2008-07-08 07:12:03 D [inode.c:577:__create_inode] espai/inode: create inode(1) 2008-07-08 07:12:03 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] espai/inode: activating inode(1), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:03 D [tcp-server.c:145:tcp_server_notify] ultim: Registering socket (7) for new transport object of 2008-07-08 07:12:03 D [ip.c:120:gf_auth] nm: allowed = "*", received ip addr = "" 2008-07-08 07:12:03 D [server-protocol.c:5667:mop_setvolume] ultim: accepted client from 2008-07-08 07:12:03 D [server-protocol.c:5710:mop_setvolume] ultim: creating inode table with lru_limit=1024, xlator=nm 2008-07-08 07:12:03 D [inode.c:1163:inode_table_new] nm: creating new inode table with lru_limit=1024, sizeof(inode_t)=156
2008-07-08 07:12:03 D [inode.c:577:__create_inode] nm/inode: create inode(1)
2008-07-08 07:12:03 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] nm/inode: activating inode(1), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:577:__create_inode] espai/inode: create inode(128) 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] espai/inode: activating inode(128), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:577:__create_inode] nm/inode: create inode(12594123) 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] nm/inode: activating inode(12594123), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] nm/inode: activating inode(12594123), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] nm/inode: activating inode(12594123), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:577:__create_inode] nm/inode: create inode(8551650) 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] nm/inode: activating inode(8551650), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:577:__create_inode] nm/inode: create inode(33595530) 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] nm/inode: activating inode(33595530), lru=1/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] nm/inode: activating inode(8551650), lru=1/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:321:__destroy_inode] nm/inode: destroy inode(8551650) [@0x511650] 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] nm/inode: activating inode(33595530), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:321:__destroy_inode] nm/inode: destroy inode(33595530) [@0x511700] 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:321:__destroy_inode] nm/inode: destroy inode(12594123) [@0x510370] 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] espai/inode: activating inode(128), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:577:__create_inode] nm/inode: create inode(12594123) 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] nm/inode: activating inode(12594123), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] espai/inode: activating inode(128), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] nm/inode: activating inode(12594123), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] nm/inode: activating inode(12594123), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 07:12:07 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] espai/inode: activating inode(128), lru=0/1024



2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [glusterfs.c:167:get_spec_fp] glusterfs: loading spec from /etc/glusterfs/glusterfs-client.vol
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'espai1'
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/protocol/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:espai1:protocol/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai1:transport-type:tcp/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai1:remote-host: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai1:remote-subvolume:espai
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:espai1
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'namespace1' 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/protocol/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:namespace1:protocol/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:namespace1:transport-type:tcp/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:namespace1:remote-host: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:namespace1:remote-subvolume:nm
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:namespace1
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'espai2'
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/protocol/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:espai2:protocol/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai2:transport-type:tcp/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai2:remote-host: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai2:remote-subvolume:espai
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:espai2
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'espai3'
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/protocol/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:espai3:protocol/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai3:transport-type:tcp/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai3:remote-host: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai3:remote-subvolume:espai
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:espai3
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'espai4'
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/protocol/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:espai4:protocol/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai4:transport-type:tcp/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai4:remote-host: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai4:remote-subvolume:espai
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:espai4
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'namespace2' 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/protocol/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:namespace2:protocol/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:namespace2:transport-type:tcp/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:namespace2:remote-host: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:namespace2:remote-subvolume:nm
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:namespace2
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'espai5'
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/protocol/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:espai5:protocol/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai5:transport-type:tcp/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai5:remote-host: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai5:remote-subvolume:espai
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:espai5
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'espai6'
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/protocol/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:espai6:protocol/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai6:transport-type:tcp/client 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai6:remote-host: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:espai6:remote-subvolume:espai
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:espai6
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'grup1'
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/cluster/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:grup1:cluster/afr
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:196:section_sub] parser: child:grup1->espai1
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:196:section_sub] parser: child:grup1->espai2
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:grup1
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'grup2'
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/cluster/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:grup2:cluster/afr
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:196:section_sub] parser: child:grup2->espai3
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:196:section_sub] parser: child:grup2->espai4
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:grup2
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'grup3'
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/cluster/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:grup3:cluster/afr
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:196:section_sub] parser: child:grup3->espai5
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:196:section_sub] parser: child:grup3->espai6
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:grup3
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'nm1'
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/cluster/
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:nm1:cluster/afr
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:196:section_sub] parser: child:nm1->namespace1
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:196:section_sub] parser: child:nm1->namespace2
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:nm1
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'ultim'
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/cluster/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:ultim:cluster/unify
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:196:section_sub] parser: child:ultim->grup1
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:196:section_sub] parser: child:ultim->grup2
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:196:section_sub] parser: child:ultim->grup3
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:ultim:scheduler:rr 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:ultim:namespace:nm1
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:ultim
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'iot'
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/performance/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:145:xlator_set_type] xlator: dlsym(notify) on /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/performance/ undefined symbol: notify -- neglecting 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:iot:performance/io-threads 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:iot:thread-count:4 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:iot:cache-size:32MB
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:196:section_sub] parser: child:iot->ultim
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:iot
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:107:new_section] parser: New node for 'ioc'
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/performance/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:145:xlator_set_type] xlator: dlsym(notify) on /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/performance/ undefined symbol: notify -- neglecting 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:127:section_type] parser: Type:ioc:performance/io-cache 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:ioc:cache-size:64MB 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:ioc:page-size:1MB 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:141:section_option] parser: Option:ioc:force-revalidate-timeout:2
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:196:section_sub] parser: child:ioc->iot
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [spec.y:209:section_end] parser: end:ioc
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [glusterfs.c:128:fuse_graph] glusterfs: setting option mount-point to /mnt/gluster/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [xlator.c:115:xlator_set_type] xlator: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/xlator/mount/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5006:init] espai1: defaulting transport-timeout to 42 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [transport.c:80:transport_load] transport: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/transport/tcp/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5033:init] espai1: defaulting limits.transaction-size to 268435456 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5006:init] espai2: defaulting transport-timeout to 42 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [transport.c:80:transport_load] transport: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/transport/tcp/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5033:init] espai2: defaulting limits.transaction-size to 268435456 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:6082:init] grup1: self-heal is enabled (default) 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:6110:init] grup1: (default) reads will be scheduled between the children 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5333:notify] espai1: got GF_EVENT_PARENT_UP, attempting connect on transport 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5333:notify] espai2: got GF_EVENT_PARENT_UP, attempting connect on transport 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5006:init] espai3: defaulting transport-timeout to 42 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [transport.c:80:transport_load] transport: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/transport/tcp/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5033:init] espai3: defaulting limits.transaction-size to 268435456 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5006:init] espai4: defaulting transport-timeout to 42 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [transport.c:80:transport_load] transport: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/transport/tcp/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5033:init] espai4: defaulting limits.transaction-size to 268435456 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:6082:init] grup2: self-heal is enabled (default) 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:6110:init] grup2: (default) reads will be scheduled between the children 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5333:notify] espai3: got GF_EVENT_PARENT_UP, attempting connect on transport 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5333:notify] espai4: got GF_EVENT_PARENT_UP, attempting connect on transport 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5006:init] espai5: defaulting transport-timeout to 42 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [transport.c:80:transport_load] transport: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/transport/tcp/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5033:init] espai5: defaulting limits.transaction-size to 268435456 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5006:init] espai6: defaulting transport-timeout to 42 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [transport.c:80:transport_load] transport: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/transport/tcp/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5033:init] espai6: defaulting limits.transaction-size to 268435456 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:6082:init] grup3: self-heal is enabled (default) 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:6110:init] grup3: (default) reads will be scheduled between the children 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5333:notify] espai5: got GF_EVENT_PARENT_UP, attempting connect on transport 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5333:notify] espai6: got GF_EVENT_PARENT_UP, attempting connect on transport 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [unify.c:4017:init] ultim: namespace node specified as nm1 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [scheduler.c:42:get_scheduler] scheduler: attempt to load file

2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [unify.c:4047:init] ultim: Child node count is 3
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [rr.c:48:rr_init] ultim: 'option rr.limits.min-free-disk' not specified, defaulting to 5 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5006:init] namespace1: defaulting transport-timeout to 42 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [transport.c:80:transport_load] transport: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/transport/tcp/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5033:init] namespace1: defaulting limits.transaction-size to 268435456 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5006:init] namespace2: defaulting transport-timeout to 42 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [transport.c:80:transport_load] transport: attempt to load file /usr/lib/glusterfs/1.3.9/transport/tcp/ 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5033:init] namespace2: defaulting limits.transaction-size to 268435456
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:6082:init] nm1: self-heal is enabled (default)
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:6110:init] nm1: (default) reads will be scheduled between the children 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5333:notify] namespace1: got GF_EVENT_PARENT_UP, attempting connect on transport 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5333:notify] namespace2: got GF_EVENT_PARENT_UP, attempting connect on transport 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [io-threads.c:1104:init] io-threads: Using conf->thread_count = 4 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [io-threads.c:1128:init] io-threads: Using conf->cache_size = 33554432 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [io-cache.c:1098:init] ioc: Using table->page_size = 0x100000 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [io-cache.c:1106:init] ioc: Using table->cache_size = 0x4000000 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [io-cache.c:1116:init] ioc: Using 2 seconds to force revalidate cache 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:4750:client_protocol_reconnect] espai1: attempting reconnect
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:77:tcp_connect] espai1: socket fd = 6
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:107:tcp_connect] espai1: finalized on port `1023' 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:128:tcp_connect] espai1: defaulting remote-port to 6996 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:179:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: DNS cache not present, freshly probing hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:204:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: returning IP:[0] for hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:212:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: flushing DNS cache 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:161:tcp_connect] espai1: connect on 6 in progress (non-blocking) 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:205:tcp_connect] espai1: connection on 6 success 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5355:notify] espai1: got GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:4750:client_protocol_reconnect] espai2: attempting reconnect
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:77:tcp_connect] espai2: socket fd = 7
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:107:tcp_connect] espai2: finalized on port `1022' 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:128:tcp_connect] espai2: defaulting remote-port to 6996 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:179:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: DNS cache not present, freshly probing hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:204:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: returning IP:[0] for hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:212:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: flushing DNS cache 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:161:tcp_connect] espai2: connect on 7 in progress (non-blocking) 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5096:client_protocol_handshake_reply] espai1: reply frame has callid: 424242 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5130:client_protocol_handshake_reply] espai1: SETVOLUME on remote-host succeeded 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5999:notify] grup1: GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP from espai1 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [inode.c:1163:inode_table_new] fuse: creating new inode table with lru_limit=1024, sizeof(inode_t)=156 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [inode.c:577:__create_inode] fuse/inode: create inode(1) 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] fuse/inode: activating inode(1), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5931:afr_check_xattr_cbk] grup1: 'espai1' supports Extended attribute 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:205:tcp_connect] espai2: connection on 7 success 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5355:notify] espai2: got GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:4750:client_protocol_reconnect] espai3: attempting reconnect
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:77:tcp_connect] espai3: socket fd = 8
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:107:tcp_connect] espai3: finalized on port `1021' 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:128:tcp_connect] espai3: defaulting remote-port to 6996 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:179:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: DNS cache not present, freshly probing hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:204:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: returning IP:[0] for hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:212:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: flushing DNS cache 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:161:tcp_connect] espai3: connect on 8 in progress (non-blocking) 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5096:client_protocol_handshake_reply] espai2: reply frame has callid: 424242 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5130:client_protocol_handshake_reply] espai2: SETVOLUME on remote-host succeeded 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5999:notify] grup1: GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP from espai2 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5931:afr_check_xattr_cbk] grup1: 'espai2' supports Extended attribute 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:205:tcp_connect] espai3: connection on 8 success 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5355:notify] espai3: got GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:4750:client_protocol_reconnect] espai4: attempting reconnect
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:77:tcp_connect] espai4: socket fd = 9
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:107:tcp_connect] espai4: finalized on port `1020' 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:128:tcp_connect] espai4: defaulting remote-port to 6996 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:179:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: DNS cache not present, freshly probing hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:204:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: returning IP:[0] for hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:212:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: flushing DNS cache 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:161:tcp_connect] espai4: connect on 9 in progress (non-blocking) 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5096:client_protocol_handshake_reply] espai3: reply frame has callid: 424242 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5130:client_protocol_handshake_reply] espai3: SETVOLUME on remote-host succeeded 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5999:notify] grup2: GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP from espai3 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5931:afr_check_xattr_cbk] grup2: 'espai3' supports Extended attribute 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:205:tcp_connect] espai4: connection on 9 success 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5355:notify] espai4: got GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:4750:client_protocol_reconnect] espai5: attempting reconnect
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:77:tcp_connect] espai5: socket fd = 10
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:107:tcp_connect] espai5: finalized on port `1019' 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:128:tcp_connect] espai5: defaulting remote-port to 6996 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:179:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: DNS cache not present, freshly probing hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:204:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: returning IP:[0] for hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:212:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: flushing DNS cache 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:161:tcp_connect] espai5: connect on 10 in progress (non-blocking) 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5096:client_protocol_handshake_reply] espai4: reply frame has callid: 424242 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5130:client_protocol_handshake_reply] espai4: SETVOLUME on remote-host succeeded 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5999:notify] grup2: GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP from espai4 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5931:afr_check_xattr_cbk] grup2: 'espai4' supports Extended attribute 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:205:tcp_connect] espai5: connection on 10 success 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5355:notify] espai5: got GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:4750:client_protocol_reconnect] espai6: attempting reconnect
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:77:tcp_connect] espai6: socket fd = 11
2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:107:tcp_connect] espai6: finalized on port `1018' 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:128:tcp_connect] espai6: defaulting remote-port to 6996 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:179:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: DNS cache not present, freshly probing hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:204:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: returning IP:[0] for hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:212:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: flushing DNS cache 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:161:tcp_connect] espai6: connect on 11 in progress (non-blocking) 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5096:client_protocol_handshake_reply] espai5: reply frame has callid: 424242 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5130:client_protocol_handshake_reply] espai5: SETVOLUME on remote-host succeeded 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5999:notify] grup3: GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP from espai5 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5931:afr_check_xattr_cbk] grup3: 'espai5' supports Extended attribute 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:205:tcp_connect] espai6: connection on 11 success 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5355:notify] espai6: got GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:4750:client_protocol_reconnect] namespace1: attempting reconnect 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:77:tcp_connect] namespace1: socket fd = 12 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:107:tcp_connect] namespace1: finalized on port `1017' 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:128:tcp_connect] namespace1: defaulting remote-port to 6996 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:179:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: DNS cache not present, freshly probing hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:204:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: returning IP:[0] for hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:212:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: flushing DNS cache 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:161:tcp_connect] namespace1: connect on 12 in progress (non-blocking) 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:205:tcp_connect] namespace1: connection on 12 success 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5355:notify] namespace1: got GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:4750:client_protocol_reconnect] namespace2: attempting reconnect 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:77:tcp_connect] namespace2: socket fd = 13 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:107:tcp_connect] namespace2: finalized on port `1016' 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:128:tcp_connect] namespace2: defaulting remote-port to 6996 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:179:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: DNS cache not present, freshly probing hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:204:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: returning IP:[0] for hostname: 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [common-utils.c:212:gf_resolve_ip] resolver: flushing DNS cache 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:161:tcp_connect] namespace2: connect on 13 in progress (non-blocking) 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [tcp-client.c:205:tcp_connect] namespace2: connection on 13 success 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5355:notify] namespace2: got GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5096:client_protocol_handshake_reply] espai6: reply frame has callid: 424242 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5130:client_protocol_handshake_reply] espai6: SETVOLUME on remote-host succeeded 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5999:notify] grup3: GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP from espai6 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5096:client_protocol_handshake_reply] namespace1: reply frame has callid: 424242 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5130:client_protocol_handshake_reply] namespace1: SETVOLUME on remote-host succeeded 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5999:notify] nm1: GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP from namespace1 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5931:afr_check_xattr_cbk] grup3: 'espai6' supports Extended attribute 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5096:client_protocol_handshake_reply] namespace2: reply frame has callid: 424242 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [client-protocol.c:5130:client_protocol_handshake_reply] namespace2: SETVOLUME on remote-host succeeded 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5999:notify] nm1: GF_EVENT_CHILD_UP from namespace2 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5931:afr_check_xattr_cbk] nm1: 'namespace2' supports Extended attribute 2008-07-08 09:12:04 D [afr.c:5931:afr_check_xattr_cbk] nm1: 'namespace1' supports Extended attribute 2008-07-08 09:12:05 D [client-protocol.c:4756:client_protocol_reconnect] espai1: breaking reconnect chain 2008-07-08 09:12:05 D [client-protocol.c:4756:client_protocol_reconnect] espai2: breaking reconnect chain 2008-07-08 09:12:05 D [client-protocol.c:4756:client_protocol_reconnect] espai3: breaking reconnect chain 2008-07-08 09:12:05 D [client-protocol.c:4756:client_protocol_reconnect] espai4: breaking reconnect chain 2008-07-08 09:12:05 D [client-protocol.c:4756:client_protocol_reconnect] espai5: breaking reconnect chain 2008-07-08 09:12:05 D [client-protocol.c:4756:client_protocol_reconnect] espai6: breaking reconnect chain 2008-07-08 09:12:05 D [client-protocol.c:4756:client_protocol_reconnect] namespace1: breaking reconnect chain 2008-07-08 09:12:05 D [client-protocol.c:4756:client_protocol_reconnect] namespace2: breaking reconnect chain 2008-07-08 09:12:08 D [fuse-bridge.c:384:fuse_entry_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 2: (34) / => 1 2008-07-08 09:12:08 D [fuse-bridge.c:384:fuse_entry_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 3: (34) / => 1 2008-07-08 09:12:08 D [fuse-bridge.c:384:fuse_entry_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 4: (34) / => 1 2008-07-08 09:12:08 D [fuse-bridge.c:1787:fuse_opendir] glusterfs-fuse: 5: OPEN / 2008-07-08 09:12:08 D [fuse-bridge.c:687:fuse_fd_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 5: (22) / => 0x52dba0 2008-07-08 09:12:08 D [fuse-bridge.c:384:fuse_entry_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 6: (34) / => 1 2008-07-08 09:12:08 D [fuse-bridge.c:1967:fuse_readdir] glusterfs-fuse: 7: READDIR (0x52dba0, size=4096, offset=0)
2008-07-08 09:12:08 D [afr.c:4144:afr_readdir] nm1: getdenting from child 0
2008-07-08 09:12:08 D [fuse-bridge.c:1935:fuse_readdir_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 7: READDIR => 152/4096,0 2008-07-08 09:12:08 D [fuse-bridge.c:1967:fuse_readdir] glusterfs-fuse: 8: READDIR (0x52dba0, size=4096, offset=512)
2008-07-08 09:12:08 D [afr.c:4144:afr_readdir] nm1: getdenting from child 0
2008-07-08 09:12:08 D [fuse-bridge.c:1935:fuse_readdir_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 8: READDIR => 0/4096,512 2008-07-08 09:12:08 D [fuse-bridge.c:1994:fuse_releasedir] glusterfs-fuse: 9: CLOSEDIR 0x52dba0 2008-07-08 09:12:08 D [fuse-bridge.c:939:fuse_err_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 9: (24) ERR => 0 2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [fuse-bridge.c:384:fuse_entry_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 10: (34) / => 1 2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [fuse-bridge.c:384:fuse_entry_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 11: (34) / => 1 2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [fuse-bridge.c:1787:fuse_opendir] glusterfs-fuse: 12: OPEN / 2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [fuse-bridge.c:687:fuse_fd_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 12: (22) / => 0x52b6b0 2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [fuse-bridge.c:384:fuse_entry_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 13: (34) / => 1 2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [fuse-bridge.c:1967:fuse_readdir] glusterfs-fuse: 14: READDIR (0x52b6b0, size=4096, offset=0)
2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [afr.c:4144:afr_readdir] nm1: getdenting from child 0
2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [fuse-bridge.c:1935:fuse_readdir_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 14: READDIR => 152/4096,0 2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [fuse-bridge.c:1967:fuse_readdir] glusterfs-fuse: 15: READDIR (0x52b6b0, size=4096, offset=512)
2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [afr.c:4144:afr_readdir] nm1: getdenting from child 0
2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [fuse-bridge.c:1935:fuse_readdir_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 15: READDIR => 0/4096,512 2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [fuse-bridge.c:1994:fuse_releasedir] glusterfs-fuse: 16: CLOSEDIR 0x52b6b0 2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [fuse-bridge.c:521:fuse_lookup] glusterfs-fuse: 17: LOOKUP /domains 2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [fuse-bridge.c:939:fuse_err_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 16: (24) ERR => 0 2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [fuse-bridge.c:384:fuse_entry_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 17: (34) /domains => 8551650 2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [inode.c:577:__create_inode] fuse/inode: create inode(8551650) 2008-07-08 09:12:10 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] fuse/inode: activating inode(8551650), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 09:12:11 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] fuse/inode: activating inode(8551650), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 09:12:11 D [fuse-bridge.c:1787:fuse_opendir] glusterfs-fuse: 18: OPEN /domains 2008-07-08 09:12:11 D [fuse-bridge.c:687:fuse_fd_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 18: (22) /domains => 0x52c280 2008-07-08 09:12:11 D [fuse-bridge.c:1967:fuse_readdir] glusterfs-fuse: 19: READDIR (0x52c280, size=4096, offset=0)
2008-07-08 09:12:11 D [afr.c:4144:afr_readdir] nm1: getdenting from child 0
2008-07-08 09:12:11 D [fuse-bridge.c:1935:fuse_readdir_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 19: READDIR => 160/4096,0 2008-07-08 09:12:11 D [fuse-bridge.c:1967:fuse_readdir] glusterfs-fuse: 20: READDIR (0x52c280, size=4096, offset=512)
2008-07-08 09:12:11 D [afr.c:4144:afr_readdir] nm1: getdenting from child 0
2008-07-08 09:12:11 D [fuse-bridge.c:1935:fuse_readdir_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 20: READDIR => 0/4096,512 2008-07-08 09:12:11 D [fuse-bridge.c:1994:fuse_releasedir] glusterfs-fuse: 21: CLOSEDIR 0x52c280 2008-07-08 09:12:11 D [fuse-bridge.c:939:fuse_err_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 21: (24) ERR => 0 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [fuse-bridge.c:384:fuse_entry_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 22: (34) / => 1 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] fuse/inode: activating inode(8551650), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [fuse-bridge.c:529:fuse_lookup] glusterfs-fuse: 23: LOOKUP /domains(8551650) 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [fuse-bridge.c:384:fuse_entry_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 23: (34) /domains => 8551650 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] fuse/inode: activating inode(8551650), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [fuse-bridge.c:521:fuse_lookup] glusterfs-fuse: 24: LOOKUP /domains/xen_testdedicat1 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [fuse-bridge.c:384:fuse_entry_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 24: (34) /domains/xen_testdedicat1 => 12770856 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [inode.c:577:__create_inode] fuse/inode: create inode(12770856) 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] fuse/inode: activating inode(12770856), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] fuse/inode: activating inode(12770856), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [fuse-bridge.c:521:fuse_lookup] glusterfs-fuse: 25: LOOKUP /domains/xen_testdedicat1/disk.img 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [fuse-bridge.c:384:fuse_entry_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 25: (34) /domains/xen_testdedicat1/disk.img => 12770858 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [inode.c:577:__create_inode] fuse/inode: create inode(12770858) 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] fuse/inode: activating inode(12770858), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [inode.c:367:__active_inode] fuse/inode: activating inode(12770858), lru=0/1024 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [fuse-bridge.c:1553:fuse_open] glusterfs-fuse: 26: OPEN /domains/xen_testdedicat1/disk.img 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [ioc-inode.c:141:ioc_inode_update] ioc: locked table(0x524570) 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [ioc-inode.c:149:ioc_inode_update] ioc: adding to inode_lru[0] 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [ioc-inode.c:151:ioc_inode_update] ioc: unlocked table(0x524570) 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [fuse-bridge.c:687:fuse_fd_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 26: (12) /domains/xen_testdedicat1/disk.img => 0x52c690 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [fuse-bridge.c:1701:fuse_flush] glusterfs-fuse: 27: FLUSH 0x52c690 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [fuse-bridge.c:939:fuse_err_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 27: (16) ERR => 0 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [fuse-bridge.c:1728:fuse_release] glusterfs-fuse: 28: CLOSE 0x52c690 2008-07-08 09:13:23 D [fuse-bridge.c:939:fuse_err_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 28: (17) ERR => 0


just let me know if you need any extra information.


En/na Anand Avati ha escrit:

    nodes don't log any error or warning at all, and the xen-server
    which is trying to run the vm says this:

    2008-07-07 17:43:07 E [afr.c:2391:afr_writev_cbk] grup1:
    (path=/domains/xen_testdedicat1/disk.img child=espai2) op_ret=-1
    2008-07-07 17:43:07 E [fuse-bridge.c:1645:fuse_writev_cbk]
    glusterfs-fuse: 656: WRITE => -1 (22)
    2008-07-07 17:43:07 E [afr.c:2699:afr_flush] grup1:
    afrfdp->fdstate[] is 0, returning ENOTCONN
    2008-07-07 17:43:07 E [fuse-bridge.c:945:fuse_err_cbk]
    glusterfs-fuse: 657: (16) ERR => -1 (107)

do you have more of the logs before/after these lines?


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