I am running TLA 430 with 3 nodes: vs0 ns brick-a mirror-c vs1 ns brick-b mirror-a vs2 ns brick-c mirror-b I afr replicate *:3 the ns bricks into block-ns-afr and afr replicate *:2 each brick-(a-c) and mirror(a-c) with replicate *:2 into block-(a-c)-afr. http://share.robotics.net/client.vol (same for vs0 - vs2) http://share.robotics.net/vs0_server.vol http://share.robotics.net/vs1_server.vol http://share.robotics.net/vs2_server.vol If I do a shutdown on any node the whole thing locks up. If I leave it down, it does not recover. If I then bring it back up, it does not recover. I have to restart glusterfsd on all boxes. -Nathan