Re: [BUG/WIP PATCH] unit-tests: use clean test environment

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Jeff King <peff@xxxxxxxx> writes:

>> Oh, yes. I didn't mean to say we shouldn't sanitize at all, I rather
>> meant to say we should sanitize to values that simply cause us to do a
>> no-op in the relevant parts. That means we'd:
>>     - Unset a bunch of environment variables where we know that they
>>       impact Git.
>>     - Set config-related environment variables to read configuration
>>       from "/dev/null".
>> This is in contrast to the more involved fix here, which would be to
>> populate a temporary home directory with gitconfig files and whatnot.
> OK. I still think you'd want to set GIT_COMMITTER_NAME (to avoid gecos
> dependencies).
> And I'm assuming your "a bunch of environment variables where we know
> that they impact Git" includes $HOME, since we are inheriting
> dependencies from sub-programs. It doesn't necessarily have to point
> somewhere useful, though I wouldn't be surprised if some programs
> complain if they can't write to it.

I guess eventually we will come full circle and need to sanitize
pretty much the same set of environments as t/ does?

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