Hello everyone,
It is that time of year. GSoC Org Applications for 2025 are open now[1].
They are due before Tuesday, February 11 at 1800 UTC. It's good to see
that few contributors have already started working on microprojects this
year :-)
I could help as an Org Admin like previous years. I prefer not to
volunteer as a mentor this time owing to other commitments, though.
There are no noticeable changes to the program this year.
The GSoC contributor application period is March 24 - April 8, so
(co-)mentors and org admins are already welcome to volunteer. As usual,
we also need project ideas to refresh our idea page from last year
(https://git.github.io/SoC-2024-Ideas/). Feel free to share your
thoughts and discuss. It would be great if we could come up with a good
mix of small, medium and large projects.
Do feel free to ask if there's anything that needs to be clarified.
Just like previous year, there will be a GSoC Meetup in Brussels during
FOSDEM weekend on Saturday, February 1st in the evening. If you are
around, interested and haven't received the link to register directly
from Google, let me know so I can send it to you.