Daniel Ducharme <dducharme@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > sub parse_svn_date requires both the month, day, hour, and minute > to be 2 digits long and fails on 2007-3-12T17:46:4.000000Z as an > example due to the regex. Suggestion is to make the regex instead > /^(\d{4})\-(\d\d?)\-(\d\d?)T (\d\d?)\:(\d\d?)\:(\d\d?)\.\d*Z$/x) > > I have found this data to be present in a SVN repository converted > off of VSS while trying to take some old VSS repos to git through > SVN, not sure if standard SVN would have allowed these date > patterns, but they should be valid. The above regex also contains > a fix for single digit minute and second as I also ran into that > as well. I do not think it is fair to call this a bug in SVN.pm, provided if SVN wants to use ISO 8601 datetime format for its timestamps. ISO 8601, IIUC, is fairly clear that month and day must be two-digit strings, 0-filled to the left as needed, and I would not be surprised if standard SVN rejected such bogus dates, and I do not agree with your "they *SHOULD* be valid" statement. Having said all that, it is good to be liberal in what we accept, and I am sympathetic to "it would be nicer if they were accepted" sentiment. As long as there is no ambiguity, I would say that it would be nicer if timestamps like "2007-3-12T17:1:2.0Z" were accepted, and I would not be fundamentally opposed to a patch that loosens the regex to do so. Patches welcome ;-).