Good afternoon, Not sure if this is maintained as part of GIT, but the bug is located in the file: C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\share\perl5\Git\ sub parse_svn_date requires both the month, day, hour, and minute to be 2 digits long and fails on 2007-3-12T17:46:4.000000Z as an example due to the regex. Suggestion is to make the regex instead /^(\d{4})\-(\d\d?)\-(\d\d?)T (\d\d?)\:(\d\d?)\:(\d\d?)\.\d*Z$/x) I have found this data to be present in a SVN repository converted off of VSS while trying to take some old VSS repos to git through SVN, not sure if standard SVN would have allowed these date patterns, but they should be valid. The above regex also contains a fix for single digit minute and second as I also ran into that as well. I have fixed my local copy so I am good for my project, but it took me a couple of hours to find and fix and figured this may help someone else so I wanted to get it reported. I am on git version Daniel Ducharme, Ph.D., RICA l Director of Software Development Catalis Tax and CAMA, Inc. O: 781.476.2012 M: 401.743.5853 E: dducharme@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx