Here is the log:
[yuri@yv /usr/ports/audio/giada]$ git stash push -m "audio/giada: Update
to 0.26.0 has run-time issues" -- /usr/ports/audio/gia
audio/triceratops-lv2/Makefile: needs merge
audio/triceratops-lv2/pkg-descr: needs merge
audio/triceratops-lv2/pkg-plist: needs merge
science/py-dftbplus/Makefile: needs merge
science/py-dftbplus/distinfo: needs merge
science/py-dftbplus/pkg-descr: needs merge
I asked git to stash only the audio/giada subfolder. Unmerged files in
science/py-dftbplus and audio/triceratops-lv2 shouldn't prevent stashing
files in audio/giada.
I believe that this is a bug.