"Eric Sunshine via GitGitGadget" <gitgitgadget@xxxxxxxxx> writes: > + $checked =~ s/(\?![^?]+\?!)/$c->{bold}$c->{red}$1$c->{reset}/mg; It may be just me, but coloring the whole "?!LOOP?!" in red feels a bit strange. I would have expected more like if ($c->{color_in_use}) { $checked =~ s/\?!([^?]+)\?!/$c->{bold}$c->{red}$1$c->{reset}/mg; } IOW, switching between "?!LOOP?!" and "<BOLD><RED>LOOP<RESET>". But it may be just me. > +# Restore TERM if test framework set it to "dumb" so 'tput' will work; do this > +# outside of get_colors() since under 'ithreads' all threads use %ENV of main > +# thread and ignore %ENV changes in subthreads. > +$ENV{TERM} = $ENV{USER_TERM} if $ENV{USER_TERM}; Sounds quite sensible.