As of this evening, my tree is not yet in a good enough shape to issue the next iteration of "What's cooking" report, but I've managed to merge some topics to 'next'. No, nothing exciting is in there. This first batch of topics consists of stuff that would have been in 'next' or even in the release if the previous cycle were longer by a week or two. I plan to reserve time for picking and trial-merging other topics that we want to have in 'next' tomorrow, so that I can finish the "What's cooking" report with more topics marked for 'next'. To make sure I can make progress, I'll promise that I will not look at or comment on patches that are sent to the list tomorrow (or in the coming few days), except that a reroll of an existing topic will be taken as a sign that the stale version I have in my tree needs to be replaced before it can be merged to 'next' (but I won't pick the new iteration up---I know from experience that it would stall and delay me).