On Sat, 15 Sep 2007, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
"Grzegorz" == Grzegorz Kulewski <kangur@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Grzegorz> Not only for tracking /etc or /home but also for example for "web
Grzegorz> applications" (for example in PHP). In that case file and directory
Grzegorz> permissions can be as important as the source code tracked and it is pain to
Grzegorz> chmod (and sometimes chown) all files to different values after each
Grzegorz> checkout. Not speaking about potential race.
Uh, works just fine for me to manage my web site content. The point is
that I treat git for what it is... a source code management system.
And then I have a Makefile that "installs" my source code into the live
directory, with the right modes during installation.
Why does everyone keep wanting "work dir == live dir". Ugh! The work dir is
the *source*... it gets *copied* into your live dir *somehow*. And *that* is
where the meta information needs to be. In that "somehow".
the problem is that at checkin you need to do the reverse process. the
other tools that you use on the system work on the live dir, not the 'work
dir', so it's only a 'work dir' in that git requires it as an staging step
between the repository and the place where it's going to be used.
David Lang
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