metastore (was: Track /etc directory using Git)

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also sprach Thomas Harning Jr. <harningt@xxxxxxxxx> [2007.09.14.1931 +0200]:
> > No, and I did not look anywhere, but I know of no other VCS that can
> > adequatly track permissions.
> Has anyone checked out metastore?
> ... there's an XML error in there somewhere, so its not loading the
> 'main' page, but should
> work.

This looks interesting, though I guess getfacl/setfacl and
getfattr/setfattr can pretty much do the same job, especially if you
can call them from shell scripts/hooks (except for mtime). Or did
I misunderstand something?

The problem with metdata getting corrupted, which Nicolas reported,
may well have to do with the use of a single file. It may be worth
to consider using a shadow hierarchy of files, each containing the
metadata, e.g. for a project with foo, and bar/foo and bar/baz
files, you might have


and each file could just be an rfc822-style file:

  Owner: root
  Group: root
  Mode: 4754
  Mtime: 1234567890
  Fattr-<key1>: <value1>
  Fattr-<key2>: <value2>

This would be my approach, which should probably be a little better
at preventing corruption.

Anyway, this *really* should go into git itself!

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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                                                        -- oscar wilde
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