On 07/11/2019 21:34, Ingo Wolf wrote:
is there a readonly / no checkout flag in the git configs?
Not that I'm aware of, but the use-case isn't clear, and is perhaps
contrary to actually having a version management system
I use Git to trace / Backup some worktrees and would like to prevent
changing them accidentally with git.
How would such 'accidents' happen? What's the size of the worktree and
how do you do such an accidental commit?
I could see that if you are changing hundreds of files within a commit,
and only one or two files need preserved, then did a `git add -A` you
would include any changes to those one or two special files, which
needed special attention.
This feels similar but not quite the same as previous discussions about
'precious' files (the latter commonly being untracked/ignored, but
shouldn't be removed/cleaned).
Technology won't solve the human error modes..., though a clear use case
can help.