We have a diskimage/fileysystem that has a 50G Git repository + 900G of binary/build articles and untracked files. When we mount such a diskimage, The verify first “git status” command can take as long 40-50minutes. Subsequent “git status” finish in under 5-10 seconds. If I had a diskimage of just the 50G source repository, and I mount and do a “git status” takes around 15 seconds. How can we optimize this to be faster? I suspect warming the filesystem caching is in play. But so is the fact that walk every tree to find untracked files as well. My interest in git status is the 50G of sources/repository not the 900G of build generated articles in the workspace? I have tried adding .gitignore to whole directory trees that contain build artcles, 700G are excluded using git ignores, and that still drops the time for git status to only 30 minutes, which is high. time git status -uno --ignored=no Any suggestions on how to root cause and optimize this case? Thanks, Sarvi Occam’s Razor Rules