Eric Wong <e@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hopefully I didn't break anything, stress testing some stuff > and my own Internet connection is intermittent :< STARTTLS is now available on port 119, and NNTPS on 563. I think it works... :x No idea if it's actually secure or not; but it might help get around firewalls or traffic filtering. I'm using Let's Encrypt and IO::Socket::SSL defaults for SSL_server=1. This is with the libiosocket-ssl-ssl-perl 2.044-1 package in Debian stable (9.x), Anyways there's a boatload of changes and size reductions aimed at C10K+ parallelism starting at: But OpenSSL/IO::Socket::SSL overhead remains disappointing, even with SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS :< HTTPS work hasn't started, yet (but I figure most folks are using nginx + varnish); and there's other bugs and stuff I'd need to look at...