Re: [PATCH v4 6/7] revision.c: generation-based topo-order algorithm

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On 10/22/2018 9:37 AM, Jakub Narebski wrote:
"Derrick Stolee via GitGitGadget" <gitgitgadget@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

From: Derrick Stolee <dstolee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

The current --topo-order algorithm requires walking all
reachable commits up front, topo-sorting them, all before
outputting the first value. This patch introduces a new
algorithm which uses stored generation numbers to
incrementally walk in topo-order, outputting commits as
we go. This can dramatically reduce the computation time
to write a fixed number of commits, such as when limiting
with "-n <N>" or filling the first page of a pager.

When running a command like 'git rev-list --topo-order HEAD',
Git performed the following steps:

1. Run limit_list(), which parses all reachable commits,
    adds them to a linked list, and distributes UNINTERESTING
    flags. If all unprocessed commits are UNINTERESTING, then
    it may terminate without walking all reachable commits.
    This does not occur if we do not specify UNINTERESTING

2. Run sort_in_topological_order(), which is an implementation
    of Kahn's algorithm. It first iterates through the entire
    set of important commits and computes the in-degree of each
    (plus one, as we use 'zero' as a special value here). Then,
    we walk the commits in priority order, adding them to the
    priority queue if and only if their in-degree is one. As
    we remove commits from this priority queue, we decrement the
    in-degree of their parents.
Because in-degree has very specific defined meaning of number of
children, i.e. the number of _incoming_ edges, I would say "if and only
if their in-degree-plus-one is one".  It is more exact, even if it looks
a bit funny.

3. While we are peeling commits for output, get_revision_1()
    uses pop_commit on the full list of commits computed by
All right, so those are separate steps (separate walks): prepare and
parse commits, topologically sort list of commits from previous step,
output sorted list of commits from previous step.

I would rephrase your explanation above as: prepare and parse commits, compute in-degrees, and peel commits of in-degree zero.

In the new algorithm, these three steps correspond to three
different commit walks. We run these walks simultaneously,
and advance each only as far as necessary to satisfy the
requirements of the 'higher order' walk.
What does 'higher order' walk means: steps 3, 2, 1, in this order,
i.e. output being the highest order, or something different?

Yes. We only walk "level 2" in order to satisfy how far we are in "level 3".

Sidenote: the new algorithm looks a bit like Unix pipeline, where each
step of pipeline does not output much more than next step needs /

That's essentially the idea.

                                          We know when we can
pause each walk by using generation numbers from the commit-
graph feature.
Do I understand it correctly that this is mainly used in Kahn's
algorithm to find out through the negative-cut index of generation
number which commits in the to-be-sorted list cannot have an in-degree
of zero (or otherise cannot be next commit to be shown in output)?

In each step of the algorithm, we operate under the assumption that certain vertices have "all necessary information".

In the case of "level 3", we need to know that all descendants were walked and our in-degree calculation is correct. We guarantee this by ensuring that "level 2" has walked beyond that commit's generation number.

In the case of "level 2", we need to know that we have parsed all descendants and determined their simplifications (if necessary, such as in file-history) and if they are UNINTERESTING. We guarantee this by ensuring that "level 1" has walked beyond that commit's generation number.

In the previous algorithm, these guarantees were handled by doing each step on all reachable commits before moving to the next level.

Recall that the generation number of a commit satisfies:

* If the commit has at least one parent, then the generation
   number is one more than the maximum generation number among
   its parents.

* If the commit has no parent, then the generation number is one.

There are two special generation numbers:

* GENERATION_NUMBER_INFINITY: this value is 0xffffffff and
   indicates that the commit is not stored in the commit-graph and
   the generation number was not previously calculated.

* GENERATION_NUMBER_ZERO: this value (0) is a special indicator
   to say that the commit-graph was generated by a version of Git
   that does not compute generation numbers (such as v2.18.0).

Since we use generation_numbers_enabled() before using the new
algorithm, we do not need to worry about GENERATION_NUMBER_ZERO.
However, the existence of GENERATION_NUMBER_INFINITY implies the
following weaker statement than the usual we expect from
generation numbers:

     If A and B are commits with generation numbers gen(A) and
     gen(B) and gen(A) < gen(B), then A cannot reach B.

Thus, we will walk in each of our stages until the "maximum
unexpanded generation number" is strictly lower than the
generation number of a commit we are about to use.
And this "maximum unexpanded generation number" must be greater or equal
to 1, thanks to assuming generation_numbers_enabled().

Let's start by writing down the original version of the Kahn's algorith
(which is not the only way to calculate topological ordering; another
method is to use depth-first searches).

   L ← Empty list that will contain the sorted elements
   S ← Set of all nodes with no incoming edge
   while S is non-empty do
       remove a node n from S
       add n to tail of L
       for each node m with an edge e from n to m do
           remove edge e from the graph
           if m has no other incoming edges then
               insert m into S
   if graph has edges then
       return error   _(graph has at least one cycle)_
       return L       _(a topologically sorted order)_

In the case of Git, we display only commits reachable from the starting
commits, so only those starting commits can have no incoming edge, by
the definition of the reachable commit (note that some starting commits
can be reachable from other starting commits).

Note that in Git by construction we cannot have cycles in the objects
graph, and that 'remove edge e [= n -> m] from the graph' simply means
decreasing the [effective] in-degree of node m.

The walks are as follows:

1. EXPLORE: using the explore_queue priority queue (ordered by
    maximizing the generation number), parse each reachable
    commit until all commits in the queue have generation
    number strictly lower than needed. During this walk, update
    the UNINTERESTING flags as necessary.
All right, that looks sensible.  Parse commits and update the
UNINTERESTING flags only up to what might be needed.

Though I would add for each walk what are post-conditions, i.e. what
requirements list of returned commits does fullfill.  In the case of the
EXPLORE walk it would be that commits are in the "reachable from start
commts" set, parsed and not UNINTERESTING.  And that there are all such
commits there with generation number greater or equal if needed (and
their parents).

Wouldn't this though make the output always start at the commit with
maximal generation number (such commit or commits would need to have an
in-degree of zero, i.e. no incoming edges), instead of whatever order is
requested (if date order contradicts generation number order) or in the
command line arguments order?

The final order is prioritized in the "level 3" walk, which either uses an incrementing counter (--topo-order), commit date (--date-order), or author date (--author-date-order) as the priority.

2. INDEGREE: using the indegree_queue priority queue (ordered
    by maximizing the generation number), add one to the in-
    degree of each parent for each commit that is walked. Since
    we walk in order of decreasing generation number, we know
    that discovering an in-degree value of 0 means the value for
    that commit was not initialized, so should be initialized to
    two. (Recall that in-degree value "1" is what we use to say a
    commit is ready for output.)
The post-condition is that all returned commits have their in-degree
plus one calculated.

Mixing actual in-degree (number of incoming edges, zero means no
incoming edge and candidate for the next commit in topological order),
and details of implementation (using value of zero for uninitialized,
and thus actually storing in-degree plus one) makes this description a
bit hard to follow.

Note that the additional complication is that if commits have generation
number INFINITY, then we cannot say anything about reachability among
commits with this special generation number.  That means that until we
process all commits with generation number INFINITY, we don't know which
ones have no incoming edges (a real in-degree of zero).  If they are not
INFINITY, the stronger version of the reachability condition for
generation number holds, and thus we know that if we pop the commit and
it has uninitialized in-degree and generation number not INFINITY, then
it has no-incoming edges (in-degree of zero).

That does not matter much, but for the fact that before outputting list
of commits / returning from the function we need to ensure that all out
commits have defined in-degree value.  All that have in-degree undefined
when indegree_queue is empty, because of reachability and generation
numbers constraints, actually have an in-degree of zero (no incoming

This is why we walk until exploring _beyond_ a given generation number. Generation number INFINITY is not special with that restriction, as made clear in the earlier discussion of generation numbers.

We expect there to be commits with generation number INFINITY, because users will not be updating their commit-graph with every single 'git commit' command. This mode is covered in our test cases.

                                  As we iterate the parents of a
    commit during this walk, ensure the EXPLORE walk has walked
    beyond their generation numbers.
All right. looks sensible from the point of view of trying to do
streaming of sorted commits.

3. TOPO: using the topo_queue priority queue (ordered based on
    the sort_order given, which could be commit-date, author-
    date, or typical topo-order which treats the queue as a LIFO
    stack), remove a commit from the queue and decrement the
    in-degree of each parent. If a parent has an in-degree of
    one, then we add it to the topo_queue. Before we decrement
    the in-degree, however, ensure the INDEGREE walk has walked
    beyond that generation number.
This description missed an important constraint, namely that all commits
in the topo_order queue have real in-degree of zero, i.e. no incoming
edges.  The topo_order queue is set S in the Kahn's algorithm.

Also, we need to know how to populate the topo_queue at start with at
least one commit.  How it is initially populated?  That is very
important question.

The implementations of these walks are in the following methods:

* explore_walk_step and explore_to_depth
* indegree_walk_step and compute_indegrees_to_depth
* next_topo_commit and expand_topo_walk
All right, one one hand: good calling convention.  On the other hand:
why the difference in naming?

These methods have some patterns that may seem strange at first,
but they are probably carry-overs from their equivalents in
limit_list and sort_in_topological_order.

One thing that is missing from this implementation is a proper
way to stop walking when the entire queue is UNINTERESTING, so
this implementation is not enabled by comparisions, such as in
'git rev-list --topo-order A..B'. This can be updated in the
All right, lets start with easier step.

In my local testing, I used the following Git commands on the
Linux repository in three modes: HEAD~1 with no commit-graph,
HEAD~1 with a commit-graph, and HEAD with a commit-graph. This
allows comparing the benefits we get from parsing commits from
the commit-graph and then again the benefits we get by
restricting the set of commits we walk.

Test: git rev-list --topo-order -100 HEAD
HEAD~1, no commit-graph: 6.80 s
HEAD~1, w/ commit-graph: 0.77 s
   HEAD, w/ commit-graph: 0.02 s

Test: git rev-list --topo-order -100 HEAD -- tools
HEAD~1, no commit-graph: 9.63 s
HEAD~1, w/ commit-graph: 6.06 s
   HEAD, w/ commit-graph: 0.06 s

This speedup is due to a few things. First, the new generation-
number-enabled algorithm walks commits on order of the number of
results output (subject to some branching structure expectations).
Since we limit to 100 results, we are running a query similar to
filling a single page of results. Second, when specifying a path,
we must parse the root tree object for each commit we walk. The
previous benefits from the commit-graph are entirely from reading
the commit-graph instead of parsing commits. Since we need to
parse trees for the same number of commits as before, we slow
down significantly from the non-path-based query.

For the test above, I specifically selected a path that is changed
frequently, including by merge commits. A less-frequently-changed
path (such as 'README') has similar end-to-end time since we need
to walk the same number of commits (before determining we do not
have 100 hits). However, get the benefit that the output is
presented to the user as it is discovered, much the same as a
normal 'git log' command (no '--topo-order'). This is an improved
user experience, even if the command has the same runtime.
First, do I understand it correctly that in first case the gains from
new algorithms are so slim because with commit-graph file and no path
limiting we don't hit repository anyway; we walk less commits, but
reading commit data from commit-graph file is fast/

If you mean 0.77s to 0.02s is "slim" then yes, it is because the commit-graph command already made a full walk of the commit history faster. (I'm only poking at this because the _relative_ improvement is significant, even if the command was already sub-second.)

Second, I wonder if there is some easy way to perform automatic latency
tests, i.e. how fast does Git show the first page of output...

I have talked with Jeff Hostetler about this, to see if we can have a "time to first page" traced with trace2, but we don't seem to have access to that information within Git. We would need to insert it into the pager. The "-100" is used instead.

Helped-by: Jeff King <peff@xxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <dstolee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  object.h   |   4 +-
  revision.c | 199 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
  revision.h |   2 +
  3 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
Daunting change to review.

diff --git a/object.h b/object.h
index 0feb90ae61..796792cb32 100644
--- a/object.h
+++ b/object.h
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ struct object_array {
   * object flag allocation:
- * revision.h:               0---------10                              2526
+ * revision.h:               0---------10                              25----28
   * fetch-pack.c:             01
   * negotiator/default.c:       2--5
   * walker.c:                 0-2
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ struct object_array {
   * builtin/show-branch.c:    0-------------------------------------------26
   * builtin/unpack-objects.c:                                 2021
-#define FLAG_BITS  27
+#define FLAG_BITS  29
What are those two additional object flags needed for revision.h /
revision.c after this change?


   * The object type is stored in 3 bits.
diff --git a/revision.c b/revision.c
index 36458265a0..472f3994e3 100644
--- a/revision.c
+++ b/revision.c
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
  #include "argv-array.h"
  #include "commit-reach.h"
  #include "commit-graph.h"
+#include "prio-queue.h"
volatile show_early_output_fn_t show_early_output; @@ -2895,30 +2896,216 @@ static int mark_uninteresting(const struct object_id *oid,
  	return 0;
-struct topo_walk_info {};
+define_commit_slab(indegree_slab, int);
+struct topo_walk_info {
+	uint32_t min_generation;
+	struct prio_queue explore_queue;
+	struct prio_queue indegree_queue;
+	struct prio_queue topo_queue;
+	struct indegree_slab indegree;
All right.

+	struct author_date_slab author_date;
Why this slab is needed in topo_walk_info struct?

+static inline void test_flag_and_insert(struct prio_queue *q, struct commit *c, int flag)
+	if (c->object.flags & flag)
+		return;
+	c->object.flags |= flag;
+	prio_queue_put(q, c);
This is an independent change, though I see that it is quite specific
(as opposed to quite generic prio_queue_peek() operation added earlier
in this series), so it does not make much sense as standalone change.

It inserts commit into priority queue only if it didn't have flags set,
and sets the flag (so we won't add it to the queue again, not without
unsetting the flag), am I correct?

Yes, this pattern of using a flag to avoid duplicate entries in the priority queue appears in multiple walks. It wasn't needed before. We call it four times in the code below.
+static void explore_walk_step(struct rev_info *revs)
+	struct topo_walk_info *info = revs->topo_walk_info;
+	struct commit_list *p;
+	struct commit *c = prio_queue_get(&info->explore_queue);
+	if (!c)
+		return;
+	if (parse_commit_gently(c, 1) < 0)
+		return;
All right, all commits taken out of explore_queue are parsed.  This is
used to ensure that all commits qith generation number greater than some
set cutoff are parsed.

+	if (revs->sort_order == REV_SORT_BY_AUTHOR_DATE)
+		record_author_date(&info->author_date, c);
+	if (revs->max_age != -1 && (c->date < revs->max_age))
+		c->object.flags |= UNINTERESTING;
These two conditionals looks a bit strange to me; they are hardcoded
specific cases of query.  But that might be just me...

These special cases are important for making all of the different option flags to rev-list work with the algorithm. They are pulled directly from limit_list().

+	if (process_parents(revs, c, NULL, NULL) < 0)
+		return;
I see that we are using process_parents(), formerly i.e. before patch
5/7 add_parents_to_list(), with NULL 'list' parameter for the first
+	if (c->object.flags & UNINTERESTING)
+		mark_parents_uninteresting(c);
+	for (p = c->parents; p; p = p->next)
+		test_flag_and_insert(&info->explore_queue, p->item, TOPO_WALK_EXPLORED);
Do we need to insert parents to the queue even if they were marked

We need to propagate the UNINTERESTING flag to our parents. That propagation happens in process_parents().

I guess that we use test_flag_and_insert() instead of prio_queue_put()
to avoid duplicate entries in the queue.  I think the queue is initially
populated with the starting commits, but those need not to be
unreachable from each other, and walking down parents we can encounter
starting commit already in the queue.  Am I correct?

We can also reach commits in multiple ways, so the initial conditions are not the only ways to insert duplicates.

Let's compare this new function with the limit_list() used in the old
algorithm for --topo-order walk (and even now for A..B walks), or to be
more exact with the contents of the while loop.

1. limit_list() doesn't have the check if the commit exists, and
    does not use parse_commit_gently().  Why the difference, i.e. where
    revs->commits gets parsed, and why explore_walk_step() cannot rely on

    I get that the goal is to not have parse commits if not needed, so it
    is good that it is moved to explore_walk_step().

2. limit_list() is also missing running record_author_date() when
    sorting output by author date.  I guess that explore_walk_step()
    needs this because commit-graph file does not include this

3. Handling of revs->max_age by marking commit as UNINTERESTING if
    needed is the same in limit_list() and in explore_walk_step().

4. limit_list() but not explore_walk_step() handles revs->min_age near
    the end pf the loop by terminating the loop.  I guess for this case
    we have revs->limited set, and we use old algorithm, isn't it?

    Something to remember when adding A..B handling to new algorithm.

5. add_parents_to_list() / process_parents() is nearly the same in
    limit_list() and in explore_walk_step(), but for the fact that the
    new function doesn't use 'list' parameter.

6. Both limit_list() and explore_walk_step() use
    mark_parents_uninteresting() on uninteresting commits.

    However, limit_list() breaks out of the loop, and uses
    interesting_cache with slop.  I guess that those two facts are
    connected, right?

7. Then explore_walk_step() inserts parents to the priority queue if
    they are not present there already, with test_flag_and_insert(),
    which rough equivalent in limit_list() would be using

8. limit_list() has also some code for show_early_output, which I guess
    explore_walk_step() does not need to handle.

+static void explore_to_depth(struct rev_info *revs,
+			     uint32_t gen)
+	struct topo_walk_info *info = revs->topo_walk_info;
+	struct commit *c;
+	while ((c = prio_queue_peek(&info->explore_queue)) &&
+	       c->generation >= gen)
I have originally thought that if we extract prio_queue_get() and
test_flag_and_insert() / prio_queue_put() out of explore_walk_step() and
put it into this loop, i.e. into the calling function, we could avoid
code duplication between explore_walk_step() and limit_list()... but I
guess that is impossible anyway.

+		explore_walk_step(revs);
Nice, tight, and easy to understand function.  Though perhaps 'gen'
could be called 'gen_cutoff' or 'min_gen', or 'min_gen_cufott'.

+static void indegree_walk_step(struct rev_info *revs)
+	struct commit_list *p;
+	struct topo_walk_info *info = revs->topo_walk_info;
+	struct commit *c = prio_queue_get(&info->indegree_queue);
+	if (!c)
+		return;
+	if (parse_commit_gently(c, 1) < 0)
+		return;
All right, we need to parse commit 'c' to have its generation number,
and we need to do the same in explore_walk_step() because we walk
possibly unparsed parents.

+	explore_to_depth(revs, c->generation);
If we walk everything up to current commit depth, then we have walked
all commits that can affect in-degree of current commit.  Good.

+	if (parse_commit_gently(c, 1) < 0)
+		return;
Why do we parse the same commit again???

Good point! Accidental duplicate lines.

+	for (p = c->parents; p; p = p->next) {
+		struct commit *parent = p->item;
+		int *pi = indegree_slab_at(&info->indegree, parent);
Sidenote: I would call this 'indegree_plus_one', not 'indegree'.  But
maybe I am too pedantic here.

+		if (*pi)
+			(*pi)++;
If in-degree of parent is defined, then increase it.

+		else
+			*pi = 2;
If in-degree of parent is not defined, then it is first incoming edge,
and in-degree plus one is thus 2 (i.e. 1 + INDEGREE_ZERO).

+		test_flag_and_insert(&info->indegree_queue, parent, TOPO_WALK_INDEGREE);
+		if (revs->first_parent_only)
+			return;
+	}
This loop looks all right to me: we insert the parents if they do not
exist in the queue, and we handle --first-parent correctly.

+static void compute_indegrees_to_depth(struct rev_info *revs)
+	struct topo_walk_info *info = revs->topo_walk_info;
+	struct commit *c;
+	while ((c = prio_queue_peek(&info->indegree_queue)) &&
+	       c->generation >= info->min_generation)
+		indegree_walk_step(revs);
All right, this looks correct.  It is identical with explore_to_depth(),
but for the change of queue member of topo_walk_info and step function.

Sidenote: if C had true macros (higher-order functions), then it might
be worth encoding this structure in a macro.  Preprocessor macros though
would make the code more obscure, not less.

static void init_topo_walk(struct rev_info *revs)
  	struct topo_walk_info *info;
+	struct commit_list *list;
Hmmm, I wonder what do we need this 'list' for.

  	revs->topo_walk_info = xmalloc(sizeof(struct topo_walk_info));
  	info = revs->topo_walk_info;
  	memset(info, 0, sizeof(struct topo_walk_info));
- limit_list(revs);
-	sort_in_topological_order(&revs->commits, revs->sort_order);
+	init_indegree_slab(&info->indegree);
+	memset(&info->explore_queue, '\0', sizeof(info->explore_queue));
+	memset(&info->indegree_queue, '\0', sizeof(info->indegree_queue));
+	memset(&info->topo_queue, '\0', sizeof(info->topo_queue));
Why this memset uses '\0' as a filler value and not 0?  The queues are
not strings.

+	switch (revs->sort_order) {
+	default: /* REV_SORT_IN_GRAPH_ORDER */
+		info-> = NULL;
+		break;
+		info-> = compare_commits_by_commit_date;
+		break;
+		init_author_date_slab(&info->author_date);
+		info-> = compare_commits_by_author_date;
+		info->topo_queue.cb_data = &info->author_date;
+		break;
+	}
O.K., that are all possible values for revs->sort_order (all possible
values of the rev_sort_order enum).

+	info-> = compare_commits_by_gen_then_commit_date;
+	info-> = compare_commits_by_gen_then_commit_date;
All right, those lower level priority queues are sorted by generation
number (with commit date as tie breaker).

+	info->min_generation = GENERATION_NUMBER_INFINITY;
+	for (list = revs->commits; list; list = list->next) {
This list loops over all starting commits, isn't it.

+		struct commit *c = list->item;
+		test_flag_and_insert(&info->explore_queue, c, TOPO_WALK_EXPLORED);
+		test_flag_and_insert(&info->indegree_queue, c, TOPO_WALK_INDEGREE);
+		if (parse_commit_gently(c, 1))
+			continue;
Why do we insert commits that cannot be parsed to those two queues?

+		if (c->generation < info->min_generation)
+			info->min_generation = c->generation;
All right, we have parsed commit 'c' so we know its generation numbers.

+	}
Here all starting commits are inserted into both expore_queue (for
parsing and walk), and to indegree_queue (for in-degree calculations).
All right.

+	for (list = revs->commits; list; list = list->next) {
+		struct commit *c = list->item;
+		*(indegree_slab_at(&info->indegree, c)) = 1;
+		if (revs->sort_order == REV_SORT_BY_AUTHOR_DATE)
+			record_author_date(&info->author_date, c);
+	}
This is a separate loop to initialize and possibly record data in slabs
for indegree and author_date info.

I wonder why it is in a separate loop.  Is it to make code cleaner, to
separate different concerns into separate loops?

+	compute_indegrees_to_depth(revs);
It looks a bit strange that depth is not passed as a parameter, but its
value is embedded inside revs structure, but I guess it is done this way
to keep it in sync.

Though it is a bit *inconsistent* to have explore_to_depth() having
'gen' parameter, but compute_indegrees_to_depth() not having it.  There
is '_to_depth()' in a name, and there is no 'depth' parameter...

Here we have computed indegrees of all starting commits, walking the
commit graph if necessary.

+	for (list = revs->commits; list; list = list->next) {
+		struct commit *c = list->item;
+		if (*(indegree_slab_at(&info->indegree, c)) == 1)
+			prio_queue_put(&info->topo_queue, c);
+	}
And here we add all commits with no incoming edges, i.e. with real
in-degree of zero, and "indegree plus one" equal 1, or INDEGREE_ZERO.

This is the starting point of Kahn's algorithm (assuming that in-degrees
will be calculated correctly while running it).  All right.

+	/*
+	 * This is unfortunate; the initial tips need to be shown
+	 * in the order given from the revision traversal machinery.
+	 */
+	if (revs->sort_order == REV_SORT_IN_GRAPH_ORDER)
+		prio_queue_reverse(&info->topo_queue);
Right, with REV_SORT_IN_GRAPH_ORDER the priority queue is actually a
stack, and access through this stack reverses the order of commits as it
was originally in the list (last commit was added last, and stack is
LIFO structure, last added element is retrieved first).

I think thet here some sort of complication with regards to
REV_SORT_IN_GRAPH_ORDER is unavoidable, unless priority queue is
enhanced to work as an ordinary FIFO queue in addition to making it work
as LIFO stack.

static struct commit *next_topo_commit(struct rev_info *revs)
-	return pop_commit(&revs->commits);
+	struct commit *c;
+	struct topo_walk_info *info = revs->topo_walk_info;
+	/* pop next off of topo_queue */
+	c = prio_queue_get(&info->topo_queue);
All right, pop_commit() transforms straighforwardly to

+	if (c)
+		*(indegree_slab_at(&info->indegree, c)) = 0;
Why do we need to mark indegree of commit to be returned as undefined

+	return c;

Before the change, expand_topo_walk() simply added parents to the list,
and actual sorting was done by sort_in_topological_order().

  static void expand_topo_walk(struct rev_info *revs, struct commit *commit)
-	if (process_parents(revs, commit, &revs->commits, NULL) < 0) {
+	struct commit_list *p;
+	struct topo_walk_info *info = revs->topo_walk_info;
+	if (process_parents(revs, commit, NULL, NULL) < 0) {
All right, here we remove storing commits in revs->commits list, the
third parameter changed from &revs->commits to NULL.

  		if (!revs->ignore_missing_links)
  			die("Failed to traverse parents of commit %s",
-			    oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
+				oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
The above looks like spurious and accidental whitespace change, isn't

Correct. Thanks for finding it.

+	}
All right, the loop below looks like the inner loop of the Kahn's
algorithm, i.e.:

       for each node m with an edge e from n to m do
           remove edge e from the graph
           if m has no other incoming edges then
               insert m into S

+	for (p = commit->parents; p; p = p->next) {
+		struct commit *parent = p->item;
+		int *pi;
+		if (parse_commit_gently(parent, 1) < 0)
+			continue;
All right, we need to parse parent commit to ensure that we can access
its generation number.

+		if (parent->generation < info->min_generation) {
+			info->min_generation = parent->generation;
+			compute_indegrees_to_depth(revs);
+		}
The above ensures that the parent will have correctly calculated
in-degree.  Looks all right.

+		pi = indegree_slab_at(&info->indegree, parent);
+		(*pi)--;
           remove edge e from the graph

+		if (*pi == 1)
+			prio_queue_put(&info->topo_queue, parent);
If parent has no incoming edges (indegree == 1 == INDEGREE_ZERO), then
insert it into topo_queue.

           if m has no other incoming edges then
               insert m into S

+		if (revs->first_parent_only)
+			return;
Looks all right.

Thanks for taking the time on this huge patch!


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