Hi, I think we have a problem … or at least I had and I’m not quite sure if this is „working as designed“ but I’m sure it „should not work as it did“. Because? It pruned a lot of files and even the local repository. by pull by giving another repository URL instead of a known remote While working in a subpath of my homedir (that is a git repository itself, without any changes in worktree or index: https://bitbucket.org/childnode/marcel/ ) I wanted to clone another repository … but yeah … it’s late for me today and I put in s.th. `git pull git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:aGroup/repository.git` next … all committed files are zapped and the repository given has been checked out in my home directory 🤯👻 what? Shouldn’t this just fail? Why can I pass another remote to pull? 🙏 god any untracked / ignored files are still alive a, yeh, I’m on a mac (for any git configuration … have a look in my repository https://bitbucket.org/childnode/marcel/src/88ff8d0c28bb90dfde3aea9e6c39bb551bea8ca8/.gitconfig?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default the console out was: ``` -bash:$ git pull git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:aGroup/repository.git Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts. warning: no common commits remote: Counting objects: 2301, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (710/710), done. remote: Total 2301 (delta 1040), reused 2239 (delta 1004) Receiving objects: 100% (2301/2301), 405.41 KiB | 635.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (1040/1040), done. >From private.gitlab.instance.example.com:aGroup/repository * branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD Fetching submodule .shapps/willgit Fetching submodule .vim Fetching submodule .vim/autoload/pathogen warning: redirecting to https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen.git/ Fetching submodule .vim/bundle/ack warning: redirecting to https://github.com/mileszs/ack.vim.git/ Fetching submodule .vim/bundle/colors-solarized warning: redirecting to https://github.com/altercation/vim-colors-solarized.git/ Fetching submodule .vim/bundle/flake8 Fetching submodule .vim/bundle/fugitive warning: redirecting to https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git/ Fetching submodule .vim/bundle/kwbdi warning: redirecting to https://github.com/vim-scripts/kwbdi.vim.git/ Fetching submodule .vim/bundle/markdown warning: redirecting to https://github.com/tpope/vim-markdown.git/ Fetching submodule .vim/bundle/nerdtree warning: redirecting to https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree.git/ Fetching submodule .vim/bundle/unimpaired warning: redirecting to https://github.com/tpope/vim-unimpaired.git/ Fetching submodule gists/bitbucket/childnode/2015-06-16_G4pLy_prevent-empty-version-comment-in.git Fetching submodule gists/bitbucket/childnode/2015-06-21_kyAAM_plasticscm-addcurrentworkdir-batch-task Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/18de20f4448692257aa3e99c8319b70d Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/295dbd6e_hasSize.regex Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/4a0de936_gradle_buildSrc_dogfood Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/66d4b982_git.rebaseAllBranches Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/6df6d14c_ideaGradleProjectSetupForAdditionalSourceSets Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/81ae6468_build_jar_manifest.gradle Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/85958ff8_extendedHelp.gradle_secret Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/88304258_git_deleteAllRemoteBranches.sh Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/8f100f90_dockerSaveAllImages.sh Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/9741c4d1_idea.warnGenerateWorkspace.gradle_secret Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/a175d954_ext.props.gradle_secret Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/d15cd5e9_atlassian-confluence-config Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/d35cf810dd28775ac5c0e491107215fd Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/da08e8a6f989ce0f94077ae1a6b1573b Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/e7ef876c_html2ical_secret Fetching submodule gists/github/childnode/eb3199790f2f82785f62c3150f352ede Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master. ``` trying to fix this up by doing another pull failed: ``` -bash:$ git remote -v origin git@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:childnode/marcel.git (fetch) origin git@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:childnode/marcel.git (push) -bash:$ git pull fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories -bash:$ git pull git@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:childnode/marcel.git >From bitbucket.org:childnode/marcel * branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories ``` these messages and the fact that it doesn’t work backward let me think I ran into a collision? really? revlog looks a bit strange too ``` 04f3066 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: pull git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:aGroup/repository.git: checkout 04f3066d03e09323c7341c472be4c45ea5e3a4ff: returning to refs/heads/master 04f3066 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{1}: pull git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:aGroup/repository.git: checkout 04f3066d03e09323c7341c472be4c45ea5e3a4ff 88ff8d0 (origin/master, origin/HEAD) HEAD@{2}: pull --rebase=preserve: checkout 88ff8d0c28bb90dfde3aea9e6c39bb551bea8ca8: returning to refs/heads/master ``` where 88ff8d0 was the latest from marcel.git and logs look like the pulled repository is like an orphan aside my original one. ~Marcel P.S: I reverted by `$ git reset 88ff8d0 && git checkout -- .`