Hi, Git Developers, I'm currently writing a blog post about "git pull --rebase". The point of the blog post is to examine scenarios where two people are working together on a short-lived feature branch, where history rewrites are allowed, and where both are using "git pull --rebase" to stay in sync with each other. I was hoping to concoct a situation where "git pull --rebase" makes a mess of things. So far I have been unable to do this. I tried version v1.7.2 of Git as well as version v2.14.1, and as far as I can tell, "git pull --rebase" is bulletproof. Does anyone here happen to know a situation where "git pull --rebase" makes a mess? Here's a draft of the blog post: Title: "(Too much) fun with git pull --rebase" https://mergebase.com/doing-git-wrong/2018/02/17/fun-with-git-pull-rebase/ Here are the "git pull --rebase" scenarios I've tested so far: 1. origin/feature rebased against origin/master 2. origin/feature squash-merged against origin/master 3. origin/feature squashed in-place` 4. origin/feature dropped a commit 5. origin/feature insanity (adjusted merge-base, reversed commits, squashed some commits) 6. undo of 5 So far "git pull --rebase" does the exact right thing in every case! If anyone knows a scenario where "git pull --rebase" fails to do the right thing, I would be very grateful to hear of it. Thanks! yours sincerely, Julius Musseau