On Thu, Dec 01, 2016 at 07:49:40PM +0000, Alfonsogonzalez, Ernesto (GE Digital) wrote: > $ git diff origin/master > $ git status > On branch master > Your branch is ahead of 'origin' by 108 commits. > (use "git push" to publish your local commits) > Untracked files: > (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) The "master" we are talking about here must always be "refs/heads/master", since it will have come from resolving the HEAD symbolic ref. But here: > $ git show origin/master --oneline > 92d392c Merge pull request #21 from org/branch > > $ git show master --oneline > 92d392c Merge pull request #21 from org/branch The "master" in the second case could possibly find "master" as another name. Is it possible you have a .git/master file (this may have been created by accidentally running "git update-ref master" instead of "git update-ref refs/heads/master")? Or other things you could check: # see what's on HEAD, which we know points to refs/heads/master git show HEAD # or just check refs/heads/master itself git show refs/heads/master # or just ask what "master" resolves to git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name master That last one actually seems to complain that "refname 'master' is ambiguous' if you do have .git/master. I think that's a minor bug, as it should presumably follow the normal disambiguation rules used for lookup (in which .git/master always takes precedence over refs/heads/master). -Peff