Hi! I have problem with using git-remote-fd function. I create two local pipes for communication for locally running process git pull. Then I start git-upload-pack on remote side (this process is started in different part of my code and it works correctly). Communication runs successfully and when remote side finish, I want to close local pipes to finish local process. I call close function to all of these pipes, but unfortunatelly local process doesnt finish (in this moment transfered data aresaved in /.git/object/pack folder in .pack files) and hanging on. But if I kill child of this local process, downloaded files are unpacked and files are created sucessfully. I think this way is not so correct. Can someone help me and tell me what am I doing wrong? Thank You. Code is in an attachement (its part of big system).
#create local pipes for cimmunication local_r, local_w = os.pipe() remote_r, remote_w = os.pipe() #start local git process client_process = subprocess.Popen("/usr/bin/git pull fd::{0},{1}".format(remote_r, local_w,), shell=True) #start git process on remote side remoteGit = proc.runDaemon("sudo git-upload-pack /tmp/testGit") #set epoll = select.epoll() epoll.register(local_r, select.EPOLLIN) #register from remote side epoll.register(proc.fd, select.EPOLLIN) while True: events = epoll.poll(1) for fd, event in events: if fd == local_r: #event on local process if event & select.EPOLLIN: rd = os.read(local_r, 5000) if rd: #write data to remote side remoteGit.writeToChannel(rd) else: proc.writeError("Local socket write error") client_process.kill() return 1 else: proc.writeError("Local socket error") client_process.kill() return 1 else: if event & select.EPOLLIN: #get all data from remote side data = remoteGit.getAll() remoteGit.stderrWrite() if not data: #remote side finished - close local pipes - local process wouldnt finish os.close(local_r) os.close(local_w) os.close(remote_r) os.close(remote_w) #get local process pid and kill his child to finish git-remote-fd gitPid = psutil.Process(client_process.pid).children()[0].pid os.kill(gitPid, signal.SIGTERM) return 0 want = len(data) writed = 0 offset = 0 while(writed != want): #write data from remote side to local process wr = os.write(remote_w, data[offset:]) if(wr < 0): proc.writeError("Local socket write error") return 1 writed += wr offset += wr else: proc.writeError("Remote socket error") client_process.kill() return -1