Junio C Hamano <gitster@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
+ do
+ test -n "$sha1" || break
+ if test -n "$(git branch -r --contains "$sha1")"
+ then
+ printf "%s\n" "$(sed -e "/"$sha1"/ s|$| [Published]|" "$1")" >"$1"
+ fi
+ done
What's inside $() looks like it wants to say something like
sed -e "/ $sha1 /s/$/ [Published]/" "$1"
but it has a few fishy double-quotes that makes it unclear why $sha1
wants to be outside the quotes.
Why does it need 'printf "%s" $()' in the first place? Wouldn't
sed ... >"$1"
The fact is that the input of sed is "$1" itself. An redirecting the output
of sed to the same input doesn't seem to work.
The logic is merely _guessing_ that the commit could have been
published, no? The particular remote repository the test happens to
find may not be for consumption by other people.
I am afraid that doing this would send users a wrong message that is
unnecessarily alarming, especially the marker says "Published" as if
it were a confirmed fact.
True. It would be annoying for people that rewrite consciously published
history. From this point of view, a better idea would be to show the
remote branch name, as Matthieu suggested, so that the user could know
which branch is involved.
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