Lucien Kong <Lucien.Kong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > +# Add a warning notification at the end of each pick or fixup/squash > +# line of the todo list, providing the picking commit is already > +# published. > +warn_published () { > + cat "$1" | while read -r command sha1 message Make it a habit to question yourself whenever you cat a single file and immediately pipe it to elsewhere, i.e. cat "$1" | anything because 99% of the time you are much better off writing anything <"$1" instead. > + do > + test -n "$sha1" || break > + if test -n "$(git branch -r --contains "$sha1")" > + then > + printf "%s\n" "$(sed -e "/"$sha1"/ s|$| [Published]|" "$1")" >"$1" > + fi > + done What's inside $() looks like it wants to say something like sed -e "/ $sha1 /s/$/ [Published]/" "$1" but it has a few fishy double-quotes that makes it unclear why $sha1 wants to be outside the quotes. Why does it need 'printf "%s" $()' in the first place? Wouldn't sed ... >"$1" sufficient? You let cat read "$1", sed read "$1" and then the loop overwrite "$1", which looks very fishy. The logic is merely _guessing_ that the commit could have been published, no? The particular remote repository the test happens to find may not be for consumption by other people. I am afraid that doing this would send users a wrong message that is unnecessarily alarming, especially the marker says "Published" as if it were a confirmed fact. In short, I am not unsympathetic to the motivation, but I find the resulting user experience (mostly the wording) questionable, and I am not impressed by the implementation very much. -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at