For example there are commits that affect not only files in folder A but
files in folder B, C and so on.
If I do format-patch that will give me nice patches, but there are
modifications of folders B, C and so on there.
I do not know a way to generate patches via format-patch that affect
only files in folder A.
This is why I wrote those scripts.
23.02.2012 16:15, Jakub Narebski пишет:
Nikolaj Shurkaev<snnicky@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
Thank you very much for your tips. They really helped me. I was trying
to create patches that would affect only some given files or
folders. By this moment I have the following:
#parameter 1 -<since>..<to>
#parameter 2 - path to file
git log -z --reverse --format=email --patch "$1" -- "$2" | xargs
--null --max-args=1 ./
myPatchNumber=$(ls ./*-patch.patch 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
let "myPatchNumber += 1"
patchFile="./"$(printf "%04d" $myPatchNumber)"-patch.patch"
echo "$@"> "$patchFile"
I call
./ HEAD~3..HEAD SomePath
and that produces something very similar to what I want.
Perhaps there is a better way to do that.
So what git-format-patch is lacking?
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