Hello all.
I wanted to generate several files with some statistics using "git log
-z" command.
I did something like this:
git log -z --patch HEAD~10..HEAD -- SomePathHere | xargs -0
--max-chars=1000000 ~/1.sh
If I put
echo "started"
into the file ~/1.sh I see that the file is called only once instead of
multiple times.
I'm newbie to xargs, thus I tested with and that worked as I expected.
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ./1.sh
That produced a lost of "started" lines.
Thus I suspect there is a but in git log -z command and that doesn't
"Separate the commits with NULs instead of with new newlines." as
promised in the documents.
Is my understanding correct or I don't understand the documentation or
somehow pass wrong parameters into git log?
Thank you.
Best regards,
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