I want to create a GIT mirror of a SVN repository.
I plan to mirror a SVN server to GIT. I don't want to fetch the full history but
all future commits should be mirrored.
I plan to do this in the following way:
git svn clone -r $REVISION_TO_START_WITH http://domain.tld/path/to/svn
git remote add origin ssh://user@xxxxxxxxxxxxx/mirror.git
git push
Now, from time to time, I want to update with
git svn rebase
git push
I hope, so far I'm on the right way.
But what happens if, for some reason, my local repository gets lost?
How to reconnect GIT and SVN so I'm able to mirror, again?
Is the first step to clone the GIT repository and then, somehow, get the SVN
connected, again, or do I have to do it the other way around?
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