On 10/29/2010 03:51 AM, Michael J Gruber wrote:
Darren Hart venit, vidit, dixit 27.10.2010 23:38:
For whatever reason, which I'm sure is user error, I haven't been
able to get mutt aliases to work, while mailrc works fine:
$ mkdir aliases.git
$ cd !$
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/dvhart/aliases.git/.git/
$ echo "joe Joe Blow joe@xxxxxxxxxx"> muttaliases
How about:
echo 'alias joe Joe Blow<joe@xxxxxxxxxx>'> muttaliases
Indeed, that fixes it. I checked my reference for the mutt aliases
format and apparently missed the "alias " clearly printed out there. My
The git send-email man page is surely sufficient for users of mutt,
mailrc, pine, elm, gnus as they already have working configurations, but
for those of us that use a different MUA and just want to get some sort
of an address book for git, it would be nice to define these formats -
it would only take one line per format type.
Darren Hart
$ git add muttaliases
$ git commit -m "aliases file"
[master (root-commit) b71ae4a] aliases file
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 muttaliases
$ git config sendemail.aliasesfile `pwd`/muttaliases
$ git config sendemail.aliasfiletype mutt
$ cat .git/config
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
aliasesfile = /home/dvhart/aliases.git/muttaliases
aliasfiletype = mutt
$ git send-email --to joe -1
Who should the emails appear to be from? [Darren Hart<darren@xxxxxxxxxx>]
Emails will be sent from: Darren Hart<darren@xxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email?
(mbox) Adding cc: Darren Hart<darren@xxxxxxxxxx> from line 'From: Darren Hart<darren@xxxxxxxxxx>'
From: Darren Hart<darren@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: joe
^ when using a mailrc fail this expands to joe@xxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Darren Hart<darren@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [PATCH] aliases file
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 14:29:10 -0700
X-Mailer: git-send-email 1.7.1
Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[q]uit|[a]ll): ^C
$ stty: standard input: Input/output error
Am I doing something obviously wrong?
Darren Hart
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