Dear git users,
I am working with an externally supplied code tree (some 2000 files,
which gets passed to me without any SCM) and have multiple users wokring
on their own individual branched versions under git control. The problem
I am facing is that there are frequenct directory renames when the code
updates which I need to find a relatively painless way of bringing the
users branches up to date. From reading the lists and faq, there seems
to be problems (and strong opinions) with this, and I am struggling to
find an effcient model to manage this merging - either git loses track
of the users changed files (and so have to be manually merged from diff
files and usually lose history) or git loses track of everything else
(and I end up manually adding files from the new tree to get out of
merge conflict).
I would be very interested to hear if anyone has a suggestion on how
this could best be handled.
Many thanks
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