On Apr 26, 2009, at 7:28 AM, Björn Steinbrink wrote:
On 2009.04.25 15:36:24 -0400, David Abrahams wrote:
Where it's relevant when the user notices that two distinct files
the same id (because they happen to have the same contents) and
what's up.
Why would the user have to care about the object files in the repo?
What a strange question. I have no idea how to answer. It seems self-
evident to me that users of a VCS care that their files are stored in
why would your implementation save the same object twice, in two
distinct files?
One could easily have the expectation that contents can be duplicated
because there are numerous precedents in everyone's experience of
computing, for example in filesystems and in any programming language
that is not pure-functional.
The SHA-1 hash is created from the object, that means
the its type, size and data. It's not an id of a file in the working
tree, but of an object
All true. All somewhat subtle distinctions that are not nearly as
apparent unless you actually use the word "hash" as I have been
It's not a foregone conclusion that objects with the same value have
identical ids, but it's immediately apparent if the id is known to
be a
You can't have two objects with the same contents to begin with, same
content => same object.
In the Git world, I agree. In general, I disagree. The fact that is
so in the Git world is reinforced by the notion that the id of an
object is a hash of its contents.
You can just have that one object stored
multiple times in different places (for sane implementations this
means that you have more than one repo to look at, and each has its
copy of that object, but that's nothing you as an user should have to
care about).
It's an identity relation: same name/id => same object. Unlike e.g. a
hash-table where you are expected to deal with collisions, and having
the same hash doesn't mean that you have identical data. But that's
true of git, it expects an identity relation, which is IMHO better
expressed through "object name" or "object id".
Yes, that's true in the Git world (though not necessarily elsewhere),
or at least you hope it is. In fact, there's no guarantee that SHA1
collisions won't occur; it's just exremely unlikely. In fact, if you
google it you can find some interesting papers about SHA1 collision.
Another way to express what you wrote above:
same same id => same hash ?=> same contents => same object
where ?=> means "almost certainly implies." What you left out was the
implication in the other direction, which is a true guarantee at all
steps, and "hash" is well-understood to mean
same contents => same hash
You can still say that
the name/id is generated by using a hash function, but the important
part is that the name/id is used to _uniquely_ identify an object,
isn't apparent when you call it a hash.
I think the implication is important in both directions. Neither one
is self-evident to a new user. Maybe the right answer is 'hash id'.
David Abrahams
BoostPro Computing
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