On 06/04/2016 12:12 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
What re-evaluation are you talking about? Is this
discussion for real?
I think there does need to be a real and on-going discussion.
If GIMP is being developed for high end workflows as specified in the
Vision statement, then it's important to get input from people who
actually use high end workflows. Gez is exactly such a person. I think I
qualify, though I'm not a professional.
I've had a small number of high end users including two bonified
professionals from very different fields look at both default GIMP and
my patched GIMP which has the babl flips disabled. Unanimously these
people say that there is no way they would use default GIMP because the
babl flips interfere with their workflow. Plus they need the option to
work in wider color spaces than sRGB. But they liked using my patched GIMP.
One comment was that my patched GIMP, and especially with the extra LCH
functionality, felt natural to use and was an easy replacement for
PhotoShop. A related comment was that the LCH functionalities open up
new possibilities for digital painting.
One comment was that if my patched GIMP had one additional feature
that's already on the GIMP roadmap - something to do with
non-destructive ediing but I don't remember the specifics - it would be
the preferred editing application for many high end users. Other people
also mentioned non-destructive editing and of course adjustment layers
and the ability to easily record and replay repetitive actions.
A comment made by a couple of people was that the unbounded floating
point ICC profile editing was incredibly useful, something apparently
PhotoShop and most other image editors don't support very well.
Let's be completely clear about this: These high end users and
professionals aren't praising *my* coding ability or *my* vision for
GIMP. I'm a terrible coder and all I've done in my patched GIMP is
disable the babl flips, add a few extra LCH functionalities, and
recently added "anyrgb".
These people are talking about the truly awesomely excellent work that
*everyone* on the GIMP team has done, with Mitch doing most of the
actual coding for GIMP. So they were complimenting all of you devs, or
all of us devs (people keep telling me I'm one of the GIMP devs).
And speaking of vision, I never would have realized the usefulness of
unbounded image editing, which I think is from Pippin's vision. But now
I can't imagine going back to editing bounded RGB.
As Gez has suggested, I think the GIMP devs should start seeking out
high end users and asking for specific concrete feedback, which is
something I've been trying to do for the last year.
Keep in mind that many "don't know/don't want to know" users do manage
to use high end software like PhotoShop, Krita, and Blender without the
software being hampered by training wheels, belts and suspenders.
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