11/09/2014 11:35, sgrìobh Partha Bagchi:
Michael B.,
I am confused. Which version of OSX do you have? My version supports
Snow Leopard to Yosemite.
My older machine is on Leopard, the newer one is running Mavericks
I just checked and here is a screenshot from 2.8.14 (I am running
I'm not seeing that on either, I haven't got the Leopard machine here
but I essentially see the same on Leopard as I'm seeing on Mavericks:
Can you send me a screenshot or tell me how it looks on your system?
Also, it's possible your system does not have the iso-codes necessary
for the language display. If so, we can easily (I think) fix this.
I doubt that any OSX (even Leopard) would struggle with displaying de or
fr .. but where would I check that?
If you are using my version, you can also leave me a message on my
website or also post on gimpchat.com <http://gimpchat.com>.
The screenshot is from the version Michael S posted the link for but the
end result is pretty much the same. To sum up:
Partha's dmg: UI in English, only System Language and English offered in
dropdown, even with gd selected as OSX locale
Michael S's dmg: UI in Gaelic, only System Language and [Gàidhlig
(en-US)] offered in dropdown, with gd selected as OSX locale
Partha's dmg: UI in English, only System Language and English offered in
dropdown, gd cannot be selected as OSX locale
Michael S's dmg: Not tried
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