I decided to use this way to send an urgent request to the gimp developers.
I am using Gimp professionally since many years and i am very glad about
the progress Gimp made the last years.
With 2.8 there was a change in the way Gimp saves images.
I every program of the world the save function (Strg-s) is used to save
Documents. 90% of my load and save transactions with gimp are done in
other formats then XCF.
The export-function is normally only for formats the program can not
re-import again.
To point that out. It is not my intend to criticize. But Gimp already
has an acceptance problem because of its unusual usability paradigms.
I doubt that the unnecessary and ignorant decision to force users to use
export instead of save will be counterproductive for the future of Gimp.
aka ------ <-o))//<<
Btw.: I know that there is a workaround. But have you ever recognized
the thousands of questions and comments from beginners concerning the
save function?
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