Re: I only have Gimp 2.6.7 binaries

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yep - we have here 2 separated points Vista GIMP
Vista - it's a problem for Microsoft too not only for users - maybefor a simple user (mails, internet, office programs) Vista is justperfect, but when you have to use Vista for more serious tasks, manypeoples feels like you -> Vista = problems where XP was OK. Especiallywith graphic drivers Vista count a lot of holes - ask gamers...
So is not a GIMP problem. GIMP use GTK (for windows) which should workOK with Vista. Anyway this is not a GIMP problem. I revert my secondOS back to XP too (first is Ubuntu).
About GIMP 2.7 - I put GIMP 2.7 for windows on a web space - you candownload and try it from here :
Because is a development release - in Windows, the text tool (yepthere are a direct text tool as in Photoshop) can crash your GIMP sobe aware.
2009/9/7 David G. <forums@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:> To SorinN: I use Windows (Vista 64 bit and XP) and I only have Gimp 2.6.7 so> far which is the one that is available for Windows now, if Gimp 2.7 creates a> single entry in the taskbar and all the Windows minimize when you minimize one> that's great for me, the multiple windows thing and being able to put them> anywhere you want doesn't bother me, like I said it's just that I think that a> single entry in the task bar becomes much easier to manage in a multi> application workflow. Again if Gimp 2.7 fixes this that will be great.>> In another Gimp related issue, in mi new Windows Vista machine Gimp 2.6.7> crashes the graphic card driver a lot when I activate a selection markee. When> I activate a selection markee the graphics driver starts to have problems and> starts to flicker and shortly after that the Nvidia cards reports to me that> the graphics system has crashed and that it has been recovered. Luckily this> recovery system seems to be pretty solid in my graphics card system otherwise> I would have a lot of Vista crashes because of this. I Have Windows Vista> Ultimate 64 Bit running in a Intel core i7 CPU and two Evga 260 GTX graphic> cards running in SLI mode with 12 gigas of DDR3 memory, when I first installed> Gimp in this machine it crashed a lot when I tried to use color correction> tools like Brighness and Contrast adjustments, as soon as I tried to use one> of those Gimp crashed but when it was updated to version 2.6.7 that was> totally fixed (that bug was giving a lot of people problems cause I found out> online) but I still have the selection markee issue that makes the graphic> system unstable quickly, any ideas about what could be causing this? In my XP> machines it works just fine.>>>"I personally, deffinitely prefer the Gimp being a program that always> shows>>as a single entry in the taskbar that's really my main concern, it's just>>easier to manage single entry programs with a multiple applications> workflow.">>>>>>But GIMP 2.7 solve that. Maybe you don't use 2.7. A single entry in>>taskbar and when the canvas window is minimized all other utility>>windows are minimized too.>>>>>>2009/9/6 Ramon Miranda <mirandagraphic@xxxxxxxxx>:>>> David G said>>>>always opened like this and Gimp already has the ability to save it's>>>> layout too. Photoshop allowed this>>>>perfectly and still was a single window program.>>>>>> i would like to have also the ability so save my workspace and change>>> "inside" the gimp from. for example. paint workspace to a "photoretouch">>> space . instead having different sessionrc and quiting gimp to change the>>> workspace. i hope you will understand me.>>>>>> 2009/9/6 David G. <forums@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>>>>>>>>> >I like modular structures becouse they allows more custom changes. So>>>> > this>>>> >way you can change your layout of panels. But if all it would be in a>>>> single>>>> >window , ithink lot of users would thanks that. becouse i hear a> lot...">>>> >Gimp is nice , but his gui is ugly and uncomfortable.i don?t like to> see>>>> > a>>>> >lot of panels flying through my desktop">>>> >>>>> >Lets give it a try to a single window mode>>>> >>>>> >2009/9/5 Martin Nordholts <enselic@xxxxxxxxx>>>>> >>>>> >> On 09/05/2009 06:22 PM, Richard Nespithal wrote:>>>> >> >> A single-window mode would also turn 2.8 into a remarkable release>>>> >> > is it possible, to switch back to multi-window mode in 2.8?>>>> >>>>>> >> That is not really relevant to this thread.>>>> >> (But yes of course it will be possible.)>>>> >>>>>> >>  / Martin>>>> >>>>>> >> -->>>> >>>>>> >> My GIMP Blog:>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >> _______________________________________________>>>> >> Gimp-developer mailing list>>>> >> Gimp-developer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>>> >> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>>>>   I don't know why people mention so much that if you create a single>>>> window>>>> Gimp that that it will not allow you to put your tools in a second> monitor>>>> because I used Photoshop also many times and despite it being a single>>>> window>>>> program it allows you to put the toolbox and the parameter windows (or> at>>>> least it did in some older versions) in a separate monitor and leave the>>>> main>>>> program window all for editing pictures if that's what people wanted.> You>>>> coul>>>> also save the workspace layout so Photoshop always opened like this and>>>> Gimp>>>> already has the ability to save it's layout too. Photoshop allowed this>>>> perfectly and still was a single window program.>>>>>>>>   If that's the concern of people then perhaps Gimp should become a> single>>>> windows program that allows this, that allows you to put the toolbox and>>>> the>>>> right utilities window in a separate monitor while still preserving a>>>> single>>>> box or entry in the taskbar. In my opinion having a single entry in the>>>> taskbar is much better because it's far less messy, the biggest problem>>>> with>>>> the multiple entries interface is that some people seem to think that>>>> everybody opens Gimp only here and there and ocasioanlly and they are> not>>>> thinking of the profesional users that use Gimp seriously (and yes it is> a>>>> powerfull program already and it can be used seriously) and some people>>>> seem>>>> to be forgetting that some people like me for example many, many times>>>> have>>>> several windows and applications running simultaneously and when I mean>>>> several I mean a lot, I find myself many times with 10 or 12 aplications>>>> and/or utilities or more open at the same time (with todays memorys and>>>> CPU>>>> power this is very possible and more common than some people think) and>>>> switching among them and believe me this is not uncommon for> professional>>>> artists that are jumping from 3D to illustration to bitmap editor, video>>>> editing, Flash and/or a web page layout program or even more programs> back>>>> and>>>> fort like a carrousel. In todays workflow you can find many users that>>>> work>>>> just like that instead of the persons that just open a bitmap editor>>>> ocasionally and the issue is that when you have a lot of windows of>>>> different>>>> programs open at the same time a program like Gimp can become a mess in>>>> the>>>> task bar in MS Windows or even in other Operating Systems. Sometimes> when>>>> I'm>>>> working like that the taskbar is so full that it creates a second entry>>>> line>>>> and you have to switch between the first line of items or entries in the>>>> task>>>> bar and the secong and with Gimps it gets sort of confusing or anoying> in>>>> that>>>> situation and I use Blender too which creates a second window for the>>>> command>>>> window and many times a third windows for the rendering window and then>>>> you>>>> get a mess. Programs that have a single entry in the task bar are far>>>> better>>>> for this type of workflow, they are easier to manage.>>>>>>>> Maybe the Gimp team should make a survey to see how many people prefer> the>>>> single entry or single window program over the multiple ones. This issue>>>> of>>>> too many windows have been a source of complain of many, many Gimp users>>>> for>>>> long years and I think that it would be foolhardy to ignore and at the>>>> very>>>> least the Gimp team should consider making a survey to see how many> people>>>> prefer the single window interface but remember what I told you at first>>>> about>>>> being able to put the toolbox pane and the right pane in other monitors>>>> despite the program being  single window or single entry program.>>>>>>>> I think that part of the confussion comes precisely from the fact that> the>>>> issue of being a single window program and a program that has a single>>>> entry>>>> in the task bar are really two separate things.>>>>>>>> I personally, deffinitely prefer the Gimp being a program that always>>>> shows>>>> as a single entry in the taskbar that's really my main concern, it's> just>>>> easier to manage single entry programs with a multiple applications>>>> workflow.>>>>>>>> -->>>> David G. (via>>>> _______________________________________________>>>> Gimp-developer mailing list>>>> Gimp-developer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>>> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer>>>>>>>>>>>> -->>> _______________________________________>>> Ramon Miranda>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________>>> Gimp-developer mailing list>>> Gimp-developer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --> David G. (via> _______________________________________________> Gimp-developer mailing list> Gimp-developer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer>

-- Nemes Ioan Sorin_______________________________________________Gimp-developer mailing listGimp-developer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer

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