Re: Gimp User Interface.

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   Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 07:52:15 -0400
   From: Chris Moller <moller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

   KishoreKumar Bairi wrote:
   > Hello folks,
   > I recently migrated from Photoshop to Gimp. Though GIMP is offering 
   > powerful functionalities, its way of opening each window of each image 
   > is bugging me a lot. My entire taskbar is filled up with GIMP 
   > windows.I'm really looking forward to see all gimp images in single 
   > Gimp window.

   No, no, no, and no!  I've been using GIMP for a good number of
   years now and like the current paradigm.  As far as I'm concerned,
   huge, monolithic, windows full of clutter I don't need at the
   moment not only waste screen space but make it just that much more
   difficult to get to the operations I /do/ need at the moment.

For the original poster, if the issue is the task bar filling up, you
might check if your window manager offers an option to group related
windows together.  KDE does, but I don't know if GNOME does.

Personally, I find this kind of application-focused (as opposed to
document-focused) paradigm completely unusable.  For starters, I don't
simply work with GIMP and nothing else; I have a lot of different
things I'm doing that I switch between by just moving the mouse around
(typically three emacs windows, several xterms, and a browser).  If
GIMP is doing a long-running filter I'll go and do something else, or
maybe I'll just momentarily switch off for whatever reason of my own.
A single application window hides everything else.  Yes, I do use
multiple desktops, and no, I don't want to confine each application to
its own desktop.  Usually I stick things on desktops based on what I'm
doing, not based on application (so typically my primary desktop will
be email and browser, #2 is where I stick Gutenprint development, and
so forth).

The other problem is that each application then becomes a mini-window
manager, with different settings than my screen window manager.  I use
focus strictly follows mouse, with no autoraise, and I normally use
keybindings (alt-f1 to raise, alt-f2 to lower, alt-f3 to minimize).
Most applications that do this seem to follow a
click-to-raise-and-focus paradigm which is the exact opposite of how I
like to work.  In addition, it's impossible for this kind of MDI
interface to use the same keybindings to manipulate windows, because
the screen window manager keeps them for its own use.

Robert Krawitz                                     <rlk@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Tall Clubs International  -- or 1-888-IM-TALL-2
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