Thanks to all... Now it's work... >> You are attempting to modify a color at some random memory location, that's never been allocated (you didn't initialize colore) and then you passed this dodgy pointer to gimp_by_color_select. In most parts of the GIMP, GimpRGB are statically allocated, and you see that they are used more like this: GimpRGB colore; GimpChannelOps parametri; gboolean success; gimp_rgb_set_uchar(&colore, pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2]); parametri = GIMP_CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE; success = gimp_by_color_select(drawable->drawable_id, &colore, termogramma.scarto, parametri, FALSE, FALSE, 0.0, FALSE); _________________________________________________________________ Conosci Doretta? Contattala, è ora su Messenger! _______________________________________________ Gimp-developer mailing list Gimp-developer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer