I have few ideas to write about that, and here is the best place for it (since Bugzilla isn't for that, right?).
If the main problem to edit seamless textures is the image border, the easy solution is to offset all the image, so the the work area is always full visible.
But actually (at least in Gimp 2.3.18) Shift+Control+O only offset the actual layer, and is not very fast to offset every single layer each time I wanna "draw on the border".
So my 2 cents:
1) an shortcut like NumPadUP, NumPadDOWN, NumPadLEFT, NumPadRIGHT to offset the image 10% (maybe shift+numpad offset 1%) on direction.
2) a most robust solution (harder to implement), is to create another option in MoveToolOptions to offset the image with DragAndDrop. Maybe some alert if some layer is bigger then full image.
Thanks for your time,
Regards from Brazil,
Dalai Felinto
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