On Wed, 22 Aug 2007 23:19:30 +0100, David Marrs <David.Marrs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:> Amit Kumar Saha wrote:> > Am i thinking in a way that could possibly be implemented? or is the> > word "extensible" remotely applicable to my idea?> > > So what you're talking about here is a graphical interface to the API that a > user can use to build his own extensions? Essentially, it's a graphical > programming language. There are quite a few examples of these in the music world > that allow the construction of modular synths (amongst other things). Not only in the music world. Around 1993 or so, I remember using aprogram called Khoros Cantata to design some image filters. A quicksearch on the web returned this tutorial with screenshots of the oldX11 version that I used: http://www.cse.psu.edu/~cg585/cantata-over.htmlJust imagine that the glyphs (the boxes that can be connected) couldbe the operations that GIMP offers through the PDB. It seems that Khoros Cantata has been acquired at least twice bydifferent companies, has been ported to Windows, and is now sold asAccusoft VisiQuest: http://www.accusoft.com/products/visiquest/overview.aspThe interface has changed a bit, but it is still based on the sameideas of connecting glyphs providing various functions. By the way, this brings back some memories about what I did in 1993as an exercise for a course in digital imaging. Students wereasked to write a new filter for Khoros and use it to perform someinteresting image transformations. I decided to write a filterthat would use various correlation methods to reconstruct an imagein which the lines were shifted horizontally by some random amount.The default method was optimized for "un-shifting" images at TVresolution (PAL) that were shifted by one of three predefinedoffsets picked at random. The method worked surprisingly well. Thecode and the results were presented to the professor. He asked if,by any chance, this could be used to decode Canal+ images (a pay TVchannel that was popular in several European countries). And theanswer was yes. Not in real time because the 486 processors thatwere common at that time were not fast enough, but the method workedwell with recorded TV streams (sometimes even without using inter-frame correlations). Ah, I still have fun when I remember this andwhen I consider that the professor gave one of the top marks forthis exercise. -Raphaël_______________________________________________Gimp-developer mailing listGimp-developer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer