On 1/18/07, Manuel Quiñones <manuel.por.aca@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
That gives me an idea: Sample points are probably quite appropriate to use here. We just need a PDB interface to access them.
My implementation of my idea is attached. It ISN'T a plugin, it's just a module that can be copy+pasted into a plugin.
(or in my case, imported. I have written >360k of libraries for pygimp so I set up PyGimp to be able to find them)
I've had a similar idea than yours, and implemented it right away. But
instead of changing zones with keystrokes, the zone can be selected
using the crosspoint of two perpendicular guides. I know this is ugly,
and maybe your idea about changing to next/previous zone is better.
Here it is:
I'm sorry but not direct link. I cannot register it to the gimp
registry, because of http errors. And a fine tutorial:
That gives me an idea: Sample points are probably quite appropriate to use here. We just need a PDB interface to access them.
My implementation of my idea is attached. It ISN'T a plugin, it's just a module that can be copy+pasted into a plugin.
(or in my case, imported. I have written >360k of libraries for pygimp so I set up PyGimp to be able to find them)
def zonemapInfo(drawable): """Return a (maybe newly created) zone map and the currently selected area number""" import gimp tattoo = drawable.tattoo channels = drawable.image.channels searchstring = '%d-Zonemap;' % tattoo # if there isn't one, just create one. channels = filter(lambda v: v.name.startswith (searchstring), channels) if len (channels) == 0: # create a new zonemap image = drawable.image zonemap = gimp.Channel (image, '%d-Zonemap; Current: 00' % drawable.tattoo, image.width, image.height, 100.0, gimp.get_foreground()) from gimpenums import FOREGROUND_FILL zonemap.fill (FOREGROUND_FILL) image.add_channel(zonemap) return zonemap, 0 zonemap = channels[0] import re current = re.findall("[0-9]+-Zonemap; Current: ([0-9a-fA-F]{2,2})",zonemap.name)[0] current = int (current, 16) return zonemap, current def nextZonemapValue (zm, thisv): """Return the next area number used in the zonemap""" import gimp pr = zm.get_pixel_rgn(0,0, zm.width, zm.height, True, False) data = pr[:,:] r = range((thisv+1) % 256, 256) if r[0] > 0: # wraparound r.extend (range (0, thisv + 1)) for v in r: if chr(v) in data: return v return 0 def cycleZonemap(drawable): """Cycle to the next area defined in the zonemap""" zonemap,activepoint = zonemapInfo (drawable) nextv = nextZonemapValue (zonemap, activepoint) drawable.image.undo_group_start() from gimp import pdb pdb.gimp_selection_load(zonemap) from ai.gimp.pibgimp.tools import threshold threshold(drawable.image.selection, nextv, nextv) zonemap.name = '%d-Zonemap; Current: %02x' % (drawable.tattoo, nextv) drawable.image.undo_group_end() def enforceZonemap(drawable): """Limit the selection to the currently selected zonemap area""" zonemap,activepoint = zonemapInfo (drawable) # intersect the thresholded zonemap with the selection. drawable.image.undo_group_start() tmp = zonemap.copy() zonemap.image.add_channel (tmp) from ai.gimp.pibgimp.tools import threshold saved = drawable.image.selection.copy() drawable.image.add_channel(saved) # channel apply import gimp gimp.pdb.gimp_selection_none (drawable.image) threshold(tmp, activepoint, activepoint) gimp.pdb.gimp_selection_load (saved) drawable.image.remove_channel (saved) gimp.delete (saved) from gimpenums import CHANNEL_OP_INTERSECT, CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE op = CHANNEL_OP_INTERSECT if gimp.pdb.gimp_selection_is_empty (drawable.image): op = CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE gimp.pdb.gimp_channel_combine_masks (drawable.image.selection, tmp, op, 0, 0) # gimp.pdb.gimp_selection_sharpen(drawable.image) zonemap.image.remove_channel (tmp) gimp.delete(tmp) drawable.image.undo_group_end()
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