On Thu, 28 Sep 2006 12:32:33 +0200, saulgoode <saulgoode@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
A google of
"CAD translations and transformations" will readily display how the two
operations are commonly paired. Perhaps a better question to ask would
be what graphics programs *don't* associate these operations?
Be careful not to prejudice that answer with the question you ask. Gimp is
not CAD. CAD users will be architechs and engineers and probably see
things in a more mathematical way like most of us here do.
If you do the search you suggest you are not likely to find links saying
these two are unrelated. The fact you use "translations" rather than
"move" will also bias what you find. Your background is unconsciously
affecting the question and hence the answer.
It is a basic technique of market researcher and opinion polls. Word the
question in such a way as to get the replies your client wants.
Perhaps a better question to ask would
be what graphics programs *don't* associate these operations?
Yes, a quick look at PS and PSP for a start.
Bills idea of some more serious user research is good, though there's the
same danger of prejudicing the result if you're not careful.
You'd have to explain the function of each tool without any reference to
Gimp since asking the user test each tool and classify it will necessarily
implant an association in his mind.
A quick scan of other software would be a good starting point to see if
Gimp does some of this better or worse and pick up a few ideas.
I read somewhere of a technique of studying UI design with imaginary
stereotype users with a specific, typical task to do. Then looking at the
steps they would have to go through and imagine how they would likely go
about it.
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