Hi, This algorithm is based on the idea that the human eye has the feature of color constancy which ensures that the perceived color of objects remains relatively constant under varying illumination conditions. The effect was described in 1971 by Edwin Land, who formulated retinex theory to explain it. Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retinex And this algorithm is an approximation to convert images that contain shadows and take an approximation of what the human eye was viewing when took the photo. I put the links of some screenshots and the introduction of the paper: http://www.neurart.com/newbeta/pedro/retinex.png http://www.neurart.com/newbeta/pedro/retinex2.png cheers, Pedro On 4/22/06, Nathan Summers <rockwalrus@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > On 4/21/06, Pedro Alonso <pedro.paf@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Hello, > > > > I would like to develop a plug-in for The Gimp, but I don't know if it > > would be accepted as Google SoC project or need to be a contribution > > to the core of the program. > > Depending on the nature of the plugin, it could very well be accepted > as part or all of a SoC project. > > > If it were possible my purpose is: > > - Implements the algorithm based on the paper "capturing a black cat > > in shade: past and present of Retinex color > > appearance models" > > That paper doesn't appear to be online. Could you provide a summary > of the algorithm and its effects? > > Rockwalrus >
Capturing a black cat in shade: past and present of Retinex color appearance models John J. McCann McCann Imaging Belmont, Massachusetts 02478 E-mail: mccanns@xxxxxxxx Abstract. This work recounts the research on capturing real-life scenes, calculating appearances, and rendering sensations on ï¬?lm and other limited dynamic-range media. It describes the ï¬?rst pat- ents, a hardware display used in Landâ??s Ives Medal Address in 1968, the ï¬?rst computer simulations using 20 24 pixel arrays, psy- chophysical experiments and computational models of color con- stancy and dynamic range compression, and the Frankle-McCann computationally efï¬?cient retinex image processing of 512 512 im- ages. It includes several modiï¬?cations of the original approach, in- cluding recent models of human vision and gamut-mapping applica- tions. This work emphasizes the need for parallel studies of psychophysical measurements of human vision and computational algorithms used in commercial imaging systems. © 2004 SPIE and IS&T. [DOI: 10.1117/1.1635831] 1 Introduction In Landâ??s ï¬?rst lecture at a Friday Evening Discourse at the Royal Institution, London, on 28 April 1961, he used real papers as a part of a series of experiments including red and white projections.1 For Land, it was the turning point from photographic projections to experiments with controlled re- ï¬?ectance and illuminants. More important, it was the turn- ing point from the dimensionless coordinate system as a physical description of the stimulus to the psychophysical quantity lightness as the determinant of color. Up until this lecture, Land had been trying to correlate the colors he saw with the physical stimulus. He knew that colorimetry was of little help beyond calculating quanta catch of receptors. His experiments with Daw showed that adaptation, speciï¬?- cally the change of receptor sensitivity in response to light, could not account for color appearance. They projected red and white images of ambiguous objects to naive observers using 1- s duration ï¬?ashes. Color memory and adaptation could not explain the colors in ambiguous displays seen for the ï¬?rst time with so few photons.2 Land knew spatial fac- tors were important, but he did not know how to put the model of human color vision together. In his process of persistent exploration, he made the critical observation that color appearance correlated with the triplet of lightness ap- pearances in long L -, middle M -, and short S -wave light.3,4 This idea created a halfway point between the physical measurement of cone quanta catch and color ap- pearance. If we found a physical model whose output cor- related the appearances ranging from white to black, then that mechanism could be used three times in parallel to predict colors. This observation transformed the study of color to a need for understanding how the eye sees whites, grays, and blacks. Landâ??s observation still stands. The triplet of apparent lightnesses correlates with color. The observation is impor- tant because a variety of different phenomena can inï¬?uence lightness, such as simultaneous contrast, the Cornsweet ef- fect, assimilation, and spatial blur of the retinal image. Re- gardless of the cause of the lightness shifts, when two iden- tical physical objects look different, color appearances correlate with their L, M, and S lightnesses.5,6 In an effec- tive color assimilation display, there are two sets of nine square red-brown patches on a yellow and blue striped background. On the left, the red-brown patches fall on top of the yellow stripes, and on the right they fall on the blue stripes. The left patches appear a purple red, while the right patches appear a yellow orange. In other words, the left patches appear more blue and the right ones more yellow. Color assimilation displays exhibit larger color effects than color contrast.7 In assimilation, predominantly black sur- rounds make grays appear darker, while in contrast, black surrounds make grays appear lighter. Figure 1 shows the color display and the R, G, B separations for this effective color assimilation display. Identical square patches appear different colors. In the R separation, the corresponding patches are lighter on the right; in the G separation, the patches on the right are lighter; and in the B separation, the patches are darker on the right. Whenever R and G separa- tions are lighter and B separation is darker, then that patch will appear more yellow. Whenever B separation is lighter and R and G separations are darker, then that patch will appear more blue. Colors correlate with R, G, B lightnesses.6 This is the theory that Land proposed 40 years ago and called Retinex,3 and was the basis for the sympo- sium â??â??Retinex at 40.â??â??
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