This is one of those debates which dosent thrill me.
Gimp != Photoshop.
People often misunderstand free software and think.
"Hey here is a free Photoshop, cool..... What?? its not the same...
why not???"
People open the gimp. poke about. and complain if its not what there
used to. *(Grrr)
I dont have much time for these people, because they obviously are not
using the Gimp long enough to appreciate its advantages over photoshop.
The UI is important, but its only 1 aspect of a program.
Somthing people dont focus on as much is the application work-flow.
which I feel is more important in the long run. (ok the UI has to work
of course)
Basicly - Once you know where all the buttons are, how efficently can
you get the job done?
- In my experience, The Gimps workflow is very nice, I have no
complaints. so it always baffels me when people complain about the gimp
not being like photoshop.
I use Blender3d every day and the gimp most days also for work as a 3d
Blender is more extreme in that its UI is not that good, but it has an
excellent work flow.
In some ways its better to be different. - Because its very unique, we
rarely get the "Why dont you work like 3dsMax??" posts anymore...
viva la difference!
- Cam
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