I'm not working on directly with the Gimp source, but I did fix the bug with Preserve Luminosity. The offending code in color-balance.c lines 182-187: if (cb->preserve_luminosity) { gimp_rgb_to_hsl_int (&r_n, &g_n, &b_n); b_n = gimp_rgb_to_l_int (r, g, b); gimp_hsl_to_rgb_int (&r_n, &g_n, &b_n); } I'm working in Objective-C, so my code isn't copy paste ready. Basically, if cb-> preserve_luminosity, re-scale the slider values so that the lightness of R1+G1+B1 = the lightness of the base pixel R+G+B, now use these modified slider values when changing the pixel values: -(NSBitmapImageRep *)colorAdjustedImage:(NSBitmapImageRep *)baseImageRep preserveLumenance:(BOOL)preserveLumenance colorTone:(LSColorTone)colorTone { int w,h,x,y = 0; unsigned char *srcData, *p1; int n, red, green, blue; double shadowScale, midScale, highlightScale; shadowScale = midScale = highlightScale = 1.0; if (preserveLumenance == YES) { shadowScale = 1.0 / ( ([_shadowToneRed doubleValue] / 100.0) + ([_shadowToneGreen doubleValue] / 100.0) + ([_shadowToneBlue doubleValue] / 100.0) ); midScale = 1.0 / ( ( [_midToneRed doubleValue] / 100.0) + ( [_midToneGreen doubleValue] / 100.0) + ( [_midToneBlue doubleValue] / 100.0) ); highlightScale = 1.0 / ( ( [_highToneRed doubleValue] / 100.0) + ( [_highToneGreen doubleValue] / 100.0) + ( [_highToneBlue doubleValue] / 100.0) ); shadowScale = shadowScale < -1/3 ? -1/3 : shadowScale; shadowScale = shadowScale > 1/3 ? 1/3 : shadowScale; shadowScale = shadowScale == 0 ? 1.0 : shadowScale; midScale = midScale < -1/3 ? -1/3 : midScale; midScale = midScale > 1/3 ? 1/3 : midScale; midScale = midScale == 0 ? 1.0 : midScale; highlightScale = highlightScale < -1/3 ? -1/3 : highlightScale; highlightScale = highlightScale > 1/3 ? 1/3 : highlightScale; highlightScale = highlightScale == 0 ? 1.0 : highlightScale; } // update the tonal range values from any changes in the UI [self applyToneToColorAdjustment:colorToneMatrix]; // now set the slider values for the different tonal ranges cyan_red[LSColorToneShadow] = shadowScale * [_shadowToneRed doubleValue]; magenta_green[LSColorToneShadow] = shadowScale * [_shadowToneGreen doubleValue]; yellow_blue[LSColorToneShadow] = shadowScale * [_shadowToneBlue doubleValue]; cyan_red[LSColorToneMidtone] = midScale * [_midToneRed doubleValue]; magenta_green[LSColorToneMidtone] = midScale * [_midToneGreen doubleValue]; yellow_blue[LSColorToneMidtone] = midScale * [_midToneBlue doubleValue]; cyan_red[LSColorToneHighlights] = highlightScale * [_highToneRed doubleValue]; magenta_green[LSColorToneHighlights] = highlightScale * [_highToneGreen doubleValue]; yellow_blue[LSColorToneHighlights] = highlightScale * [_highToneBlue doubleValue]; // create the color lookup tables for the current slider values and tonal ranges [self color_balance_create_lookup_tables]; // change the pixels w = [baseImageRep pixelsWide]; h = [baseImageRep pixelsHigh]; srcData = [baseImageRep bitmapData]; n = [baseImageRep bitsPerPixel] / 8; for ( y = 0 ; y < h ; y++) { for ( x = 0 ; x < w ; x++) { int r, g, b = 0; p1 = srcData + n * (y * w + x); // get the pixels color components r = p1[0]; g = p1[1]; b = p1[2]; // lookup the new color values in the LUTS contructed from slider values and tonal selections red = r_lookup[r]; green = g_lookup[g]; blue = b_lookup[b]; // preserve lumenance if requested to do so // original code from adapted from the Gimp, which does not work correctly. // if (preserveLumenance == YES) { // gimp_rgb_to_hsl_int (&red, &green, &blue); // red becomes hue, green becomes saturation, blue becomes lightness // blue = gimp_rgb_to_l_int (r, g, b); // get the lightness, set it // gimp_hsl_to_rgb_int (&red, &green, &blue); // } // stomp the pixel component values p1[0] = red; p1[1] = green; p1[2] = blue; } } return baseImageRep; }
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