Hi, I would like to announce a new great Gimp plugin : GREYCstoration. It can be used for restoring photos. Take a look at examples : Original examples (with inpainting and resize examples) : http://www.greyc.ensicaen.fr/~dtschump/greycstoration/demo.html (en) My examples : http://www.girouette-stinner.com/castor/restore.html (fr) I also compared GREYCstoration to Denoise Deluxe and Noise Ninja, results are very good (I think) : http://www.girouette-stinner.com/castor/compare.html (fr) You can try the plugin (version 0.1.1, not all functions are implemented, only restore) : http://www.haypocalc.com/tmp/greystoration_gimp-0.1.1.tar.gz The plugin works with Gimp 2.2.x (because it is using preview) and is written in C++. --- The algorithm is written by David Tschumperlé. Everything is explain in GREYCstoration website : http://www.greyc.ensicaen.fr/~dtschump/greycstoration/ --- The plugin and the algorithm are under GNU GPL and CeCILL licenses (CeCILL is compatible with GNU GPL licence). Bye, Haypo