Hello Sven, thank you for your reply! Sven Neumann wrote: > Gerhard Gaußling <ggrubbish@xxxxxx> writes: > >> Okay, so I assume, that my (and Hal's and Jan-Peter's) suggestions have >> to wait for the release after GEGL? For a new rendering-engine further to >> GEGL? GIMP 3.0? > > Why? Almost everything you listed can already be done in GIMP. It's > just a bit akward to do it from a user interface point of view and > that's what we want to improve for GIMP 2.4. This is good to hear! >> Desired is a 'On the fly' Softproof. > > Could you explain what you mean by "on the fly softproof" and how that > is any different to the softproof that's available? > What kind of softproof is available? Hmm.. I can nothing similar find here. I got under Image > Separate > Proof the possibility of an Softproof (plug in 'separate' by Alistair M. Robinson). It shows up a dialog which asks me the Source Profile "/usr/lib/scribus/profiles/AdobeRGB1998.icc" and the Destination Profile "/usr/lib/scribus/profiles/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc" (defaults, should be eciRGB.icc and isocoated.icc according to eci.org [1]) and the checkboxes "Preserve Pure Black" and "Overprint Pure Black". If I press OK I got the message-dialog "PROOF IMAGE Image is not separated...". So I have to separate the image first into cmyk mode by the plugin 'separate'. That's not a Softproof 'on the fly'. So I have to seperate the image first. I do it with the default profiles. A new image with the CMYK separated RGB shows up (5 layers, 4 layers CMYK mode 'darken only' 1 Background, Image in RGB Mode, if I save that it will be saved as cmyk tif). The 3rd step is to proof that image with the CMYK profile. A 3rd image pops up (RGB, 1 Layer)... That's Not a "on the fly preview" at all. Please, I'm sorry for my sad english, and I hope this all doesn't sounds to rude. I wanted only spend some Information of an user point of view, that's all... regards Gerhard [1] http://www.eci.org/eci/en/044_working_colour_spaces.php More information about the European Color Initiative and their work on standardisation of a color workflow: http://www.eci.org/eci/en/021_goals.php http://www.eci.org/eci/en/035_digital_photography.php http://www.eci.org/eci/en/050_news.php Here is some Information for download: http://www.eci.org/eci/downloads/ECI-en/eci_general_downloads/eci_whitepaper_1_1_ENG.pdf 46 page (~ 500 kB) Guidelines for device-independent color data processing in accordance with the ICC-Standard (Preview) Table of Content: Foreword 1. Objectives of the »European Color Initiative« 2. Objectives and Contents of the ECI-Guidelines 3. Commitment to Supporting the ICC-Standard 4. Establishing the Proof 4.1 »Idealized ICC-Proof« 4.2 »ICC-Proof« (»ICC Contract Proof«) 4.3 »ICC-Proof with Generic Profiles« (»ICC Contract Proof«) 4.4 »ICC-Soft Proof« 4.5 Proprietary Digital Proof Methods 5. Administrative Communication between »Data Supplier« and »Data Receiver« 6. Basic Workflow for Digital Processing of Printed Material 7. Technical Specifications for the Exchange of Advertisement Files 7.1 Exchange Format 7.2 Exchange Color Spaces 7.3 Overprinting and Trapping 7.4 Process and Data Control 7.5 Proofs 7.6 Data Exchange Media 8. Technical Specifications for the Exchange of Files for Catalogue Production 8.1 to 8.x 9. Technical Specifications& 9.1 to 9.x Appendix 1: Recommendations for the Adaptaion of ICC-Workflows in Advertising Production Appendix 2: Recommendations for the Adaptation of ICC-Workflows in Catalogue Production Appendix 3: Recommendations for the Adaptation of ICC-Workflows in General Offset Production Appendix 4: Recommendations for the Adaptation of ICC-Workflows in Editorial and Publishing Techniques Appendix 5: Process Control The Ugra/FOGRA Media Wedge Appendix 6: »MediaStandardPrint« (not included) Appendix 7: The Corner Points of the ICC-Standard Appendix 8: »The 10 Commandments of Color Managements« Appendix 9: Example of a Measuring File in Accordance with the Color Chart ISO 12642 (IT8.7-3)