Dear All,
I’m writing on the behalf of Budapest based Visual Ingenium Ltd. We have started a cooperation last year with the ECDL Foundation in order to develop a new ECDL module for image processing, using GIMP, Photoshop and Corel Photopaint. I think this is a great opportunity for GIMP to become really popular in Europe.
The current phase is about developing the exam tasks, so we met a problem: in Photoshop there’s an option to save the steps made by the examinee which makes correction pretty easy. Unfortunately we haven’t found any similar feature in GIMP.
Here’s a sample of the txt file saved by Photoshop:
2004-11-12 13:03:20 File sarlo.bmp opened Open C:\tmp\sarlo.bmp Elliptical Marquee Set Selection To: ellipse Top: 0,32 cm Left: 0,32 cm Bottom: 4,09 cm Right: 3,35 cm With Anti-alias 2004-11-12 13:03:28 File Untitled-1 opened Make New: document Preset: “Clipboard” 2004-11-12 13:03:31 File Untitled-1 closed Close 2004-11-12 13:03:40 File Untitled-1 opened Make New: document Mode: RGB color mode Width: 20,46 cm Height: 28,22 cm Resolution: 28,346 per cm Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1 Fill: white Depth: 8 Profile: “sRGB IEC61966-2.1” Select previous document Select next document Drag Selection Move Move current layer To: 5,33 cm, 7,66 cm Blur Blur Add Noise Add Noise Distribution: uniform Percent: 96,8% Without Monochromatic Move Move current layer To: -6,95 cm, -6,6 cm Save As: Photoshop With Maximize Compatibility In: C:\tmp\ 2004-11-12 13:06:04 File Untitled-1.psd closed Close 2004-11-12 13:06:04 File sarlo.bmp closed Close 2004-11-12 13:06:05 Photoshop quit
Do you have any idea show to solve this with GIMP? Is there any chance to implement this feature in the next version?
Best regards,
Endre Gagyi Visual Ingenium Ltd.