Hello everyone, So time has come to start thinking about the information provided on the website before the 2.2 release is out. The first thing that is needed is some information on how to update from 2.0 to 2.2 and how to have 2.0 and 2.2(-preX) installed side-by-side. This is a great time for everyone that wants to help with the website to come forward and help. If you are interested then join the gimp-web list and help to start discussions and even help with the information on the website. As all may understand what the main reason is for the updates is to keep up-to-date with the application itself and so we need to start thinking about making 2.0 information into 2.2. At the moment I do not have a list of TODOs but I am sure with this mail that we all can start discussing the different places that needs updating and what would be good to add to the site. Right now we just need to start thinking about the information that needs updating and not adding new sections etc. So please come with ideas and help us to get a even better website then it was before. Regards, -- Niklas Mattisson <scizzoNOSPAM-at-gimp-dot-org>