> The problem is that there are too many screens appearing in random > positions - even if the layer menu is the only one open, it could appear I think that most problems that you are describing are not present in the current version of the Gimp. Mandrake 9.2 includes, if i recall correctly, Gimp 1.2.5. Gimp 2.0 has greatly improved user interface. Try it. > Illustrator is a print design tool, on the level of GIMP. At the moment > Fireworks is a vector design tool. Sodipodi is getting close, or aiming if i recall correctly - and it is only few months since i quit job in a graphic studio, fireworks is more a raster editor than a vector tool. It comes bundled (when you buy whole Macromedia studio: Flash, Fireworks etc..) with Freehand, which is a vector tool. Macromedia has Freehand which is like Adobe's Illustrator which is like Inkscape or Sodipodi in the free world. On the other hand Adobe's Photoshop is similar to Macromedia's Fireworks and free world's Gimp. > Flash is an absolute essential - we have no tools at all at present for Flash is, to my best knowledge, closed proprietary format. So there is only a little hope we can make our own Flash creating application. SVG should be the replacement. But it is not comparable to Flash probably yet. I wonder about sounds and like? Is it possible with SVG? > Personally speaking, I'm just sad that I can't use Free software for my > design work, and would love to be able to migrate entirely to GNU/Linux. I am glad i can use free software for my graphic work. But it is true that i mostly need only raster editor. Jakub Friedl