I've been doing some scripting http://matrix.netsoc.tcd.ie/~horkana/dev/gnome/gimp/script-fu/script-fu.html and I'd like to return my scripts for inclusion in the Gimp. New File Dialog is poweful and flexible and makes it easy to create new images, it is better to have script work off the current image if possible, than trying to reinvent the new file dialog inside a script. I have changed Camouflage and SwirlTile to work off the current image (they are added to the menu at Filters/Render/Patterns/ although I'd prefer if they weren't so deep but hopefully the menu reorganisation will allow the menu structure to be flatter). Direct links to my Camouflage and Swirl Tile scripts http://matrix.netsoc.tcd.ie/~horkana/dev/gnome/gimp/script-fu/scripts/camouflage.scm http://matrix.netsoc.tcd.ie/~horkana/dev/gnome/gimp/script-fu/scripts/pattern-tileable-tempest.scm I have also worked on the round-selection script-fu, the most notable change is that it can now do concave as well as convex edges. http://matrix.netsoc.tcd.ie/~horkana/dev/gnome/gimp/script-fu/scripts/selection-rounded-rectangle.scm Sincerely Alan Horkan http://advogato.org/person/AlanHorkan/